Thursday, May 25, 2006

Light Bulbs For Lamp From Ikea

-Guillaume Apollinaire poem read at the wedding of Andre Salmon, Guillaume Apollinaire

Poème lu au mariage Andre Salmon
Guillaume Apollinaire (1880 - 1918)

July 13, 1909.

Seeing the flags this morning I did not say
That the rich clothing of the poor
Neither the democratic decency wants me to hide his pain
Neither the fact that we honor freedom now mimics
plant leaves O Freedom O Use ground only freedom
Neither houses ablaze because we leave, never to return
Neither these rough hands work tomorrow for us all
Neither was hanged even those who could not enjoy life
Not even we renew world by taking the Bastille
I know that only renew those based in poetry
was decked Paris because my friend André Salmon married there

We met in a vault
cursed the days of our youth
Both smoking and ill-clothed until dawn
Smitten same words of love which will change the direction
Deceived poor little misled and not yet knowing laughter
The table and two glasses became a dying man who threw us the last look of Orpheus
glasses fell and broke
we learned to laugh when we left
pilgrims to Perdition
Through streets across the countries through reason
I saw him on the river on which floated Ophelia
Who still flies between white lilies
He went among the pallid Hamlets
On playing the flute in the air
madness I saw him about a peasant dying after the beatitudes
I saw him doing this or that in honor of
same words that change the face of children and say these things
Remembrance and Future because my friend Andre Salmon married

us rejoice not because our friendship was the river that has fertilized upland
whose abundance is the food Not all hope
because we throw our glasses once again gaze of Orpheus
Neither dying because we have grown so much that could confound our eyes and stars
Ni because the flags flapping in the window of citizens who are happy hundred years to have life and little things to defend
Ni based in poetry because we have rights on the words that make and unmake the universe
Neither because we can cry without ridicule and laughter that we know
nor because we smoke and drink as before
us rejoice because the director of fire and poets
The love that fills and light
All solid between them espace et les étoiles L'amour veut
planètes qu'aujourd'hui mon ami André Salmon marie

Poem read at the wedding of Andre Salmon

The July 13, 1909.

this morning to see flags
I said I am the rich clothing of the poor
democratic decency not want to hide their pain
Neither the precious freedom to imitate it now
A plant leaves oh oh only freedom freedom Neither
land houses burn because we will leave never to return those hands shaken
not work well for all of us
has not even been hung to those who could not enjoy life
not even renewing the world returning to the Bastille
I know that only those who are renewed based on
poetry has graced Paris because my friend André Salmon
We met in a hold accursed
In times of our youth
Smoking two and badly dressed waiting for the dawn
Passionate fans both for the same words whose meaning should be changed
deceived Deceived pobrecitos without knowing laugh even
The table and two glasses transformed into a dying man who gave us the last look of Orpheus fell

vessels broke
And we learned to Henceforth, we laugh
pilgrims crossing streets
destruction across districts across the reason
What I saw on the banks of the river where floating Blanca Ofelia
even among the water lilies floating
He was pale amid Hamlets
Playing with his flute playing the airs of madness
What I saw next to a dying peasant counting the Beatitudes
Admiring the snow like naked women
I went to see him doing this or that in honor of the same words
changing face of children and say I remember all these things and Future
because my friend André Salmon married

rejoice not because our friendship was the river that
fertilized coastal land whose bounty is the food that everyone is waiting for our drinks
not throw us out once more the gaze of Orpheus
not dying because we have grown so much that many could interfere with our eyes and stars
Ni because the flags flutter in the windows of citizens who are happy
hundred years ago have little things of life and to defend
not based on poetry because we have rights to the words that make and unmake the universe because we can not mourn
without fear of ridicule and laugh
not know because we smoke and drink as before
rejoice because the director of fire and de los poetas
El amor como la luz llena el espacio
Todo las estrellas y sólido between Los Planetas El amor
that quiere hoy mi amigo André Salmon is square.

Ap Bio Diffusion And Osmosis Lab Materials

Come faster-

Come faster
Guillaume Apollinaire (1880 - 1918)

And the evening comes and the lilies die
Look my pain beautiful sky
send me one night of melancholy

Child O sister listens mouse
Poor walking on the highway
O liar forest arisen in my voice
The flames that burn the souls

On the Boulevard de Grenelle
Workers and employers
Trees May this lace
So do not bully
Come quickly God's name
Come faster

telegraph poles come down there along the quay on her breast

our Republic has put this package thrush
Who grew thickly along the wharf
Come quickly God's name
Come faster

heart in mouth Pauline shameful
workers and bosses,
Ay Ay sleeping beauty
Your brother
Come name of God faster faster Come

Vamos más rapido

Y cae la tarde y los lirios mueren
Mira mi pain beautiful sky that you send me one night of melancholy

my sister listens child smiles Poor
walk the way Oh
rel lying jungle that surges through my voice
The flames that burn the souls

On the Boulevard de Grenelle
Workers and employers Trees May

that fit Do not play the braggart
faster holy God We Come quicker

Van telegraph poles along the pier down there on her bosom
our Republic put this branch
good it gave dockside Come quicker
holy God Come quicker

Paulina timid heart Boca
Workers and employers gives
Uí-ui-numbing beauty gives
Your brother
faster holy God We Come quicker

Substitute Waxing Strips

-Guillaume Apollinaire Guillaume Apollinaire Photographic

Guillaume Apollinaire (1880 - 1918)

m'attire Ton sourire comme une fleur
Pourrait m'attirer
champignon you Photographie tu es brun

De la forêt Les Qu'est
sa beauté blancs are
A moonlight garden in a peaceful

Full Whitewater and gardeners furious
Photography you are the smoke from the heat
What beauty
And there in you
languid tones
We hear a chant

Photography you are the shadow
Du Soleil
What beauty


Tu sonrisa me atra como una flor
Me atraería tú eres el
Fotografía hongo oscuro
De la selva es su belleza
Los Blancos Ahí están
Claro de luna
a garden Pacífico
lleno de aguas deviled gardeners living and Photography
you are the smoke of burning
That's the beauty in you
languid tones
A chant is heard
photo you're the shadow
Del Sol
That is its beauty.

Removing Rust From Chrome Chair Legs

June 9 ... 66 666 -69 ...-

69 6666 ... 6 9 ...
Guillaume Apollinaire (1880 - 1918) Les

6 et 9 sont dessinées It étrange comme un chiffre 69

Deux Deux serpents fatidiques
impudique et cabalistique
Name 6: 3 et 3
9: 3 3 et 3

The Trinity The Trinity partout Who found

With duality
Car 6 twice 3
And Trinity Sept. 3 times 3 69
duality trinity
And these secrets are darker
But I'm afraid of the fathom
Who knows if there is not
Eternity Beyond Death snub
Who enjoys scaring
And boredom m'emmantelle
Like a wave of dismal shroud lace

69 66666 ... 6 9. ..

Los inversos 6 y 9 como una
His dibujados cifra exacta
back Serpiente fatídicas
Número Dos y impúdico cabalístico

March 6 and 3 9 3 3 y 3

That trinity is found again
everywhere Well With the duality
6 is twice 3
9 three times and Trinity 3 Trinity

69 duality and the secrets would be even gloomier
But I have fear to probing
who knows if eternity is here
Above Rome
That death has fun with scary
But boredom surrounding me
Com gloomy shroud of a vague assemblage

Fotos. De. Mugeres. Foyando

Guillaume Apollinaire - Marizibill-

Guillaume Apollinaire (1880 - 1918)

Dans la Haute-Rue à Cologne Elle allait et venait
Offered at
evening all in all pretty tired
Then drank sidewalks
Very late in breweries blind

She put the straw
For a pimp red and pink
was a Jew he smelled of garlic And
had from Formosa
From a brothel Changa

I know people of all kinds
They do not equal their destinies as
Undecided leaves
Their eyes are improperly extinguished fire
their hearts as their move doors


In Calle Alta Colonia Ella iba y venia
of slow
A lista todos en todo linda
tired of trails drank after
Very late in the sordid pubs

She lay on the straw
one red and pink pimp
was a Jew
smelled of garlic And
Formosa was coming from out of a brothel in Shanghai

know people from all over their destinies
igualana not like dead leaves
His eyes are bad fires extinguished
Their hearts beat as its doors