Friday, January 29, 2010

How To Soothe Heartburn

Villepin cons? France of Poor Will it still hit?

Case de Villepin : Suite .... is repeated. The decision likely prosecutors leaves us speechless.

France of poor has once again demonstrated its commitment to resolve through pressure anxiety desires of its leaders.

Viewed from afar, this farce of a trial shows that there is more important to satisfy his ego to think that the interests of France, it is best to destroy public and meanness with the reputation of one who said NO to war in Iraq than trying to excel in management France when it was virtually all the powers to "construct".

This new right ( if we can call right ) French, Sarko, it is very close to the English right Rajoy, Aguirre see: that of friends before the servants of the state. We discover that France is reached through the UMP's even worse than the English PP: the sense of ownership of public affairs ; PP him, had not yet completed its democratic transition.

How can they continue to support this perversion of democracy, not only MPs and other elected officials, but all those voters who make mistakes by their vote. They are wrong, not because they do not vote on the left (it is a political choice), but because they vote for anything and anyone (which is a choice of clans), and make the new UMP an instrument of destruction of the state of the republic, and indeed the influence of France.

Poor, pettiness and inequality could soon join Marianne in our town halls ..

Villepin: the decision to appeal was made at the Elysee
LEMONDE.FR with AFP and Reuters 29.01.10 7:53 p.m. • Updated 29.01.10 8:04 p.m.

"There was a meeting , early yesterday afternoon at the Elysee Palace, where it was decided [to call]. The President considered that the court was not satisfactory "

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Eighties Aerobics Costumes

Research on human stem cells: ethical and anthropological

(Reprinted from the ADFE-Spain)

Monday, 8 February 2010 to 20 hours at the French Institute of Madrid

Calle del Marqués de la Ensenada 10 28004 Madrid
, Spain 91 700 48 00

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Lollita Undrwear Models

scholarships and support for 2010-2011

Reprinted on the website of the ADFE SPAIN

Application Package Support for 2010-2011

Help on the education of students in French Terminal, First and Second

(Reprinted from the site of AEFE)

WARNING! Support of education for the year 2010-2011 for students second, first and final . The application form is to be delivered to schools before March 31, 2010 deadline (to be confirmed with the institution). You can read the information brochure which presents the details of management. families who filed for scholarship are not concerned .

LFM (Madrid): They should be returned to school (Ms. Balaguer) for March 31 deadline.

Service Awards the AEFE Current state aid to education in September 2009

February 2009 - The lure of free

September 2008 - Support Tuition: some figures

File Fellowship for 2010-2011

General information on scholarships (AEFE)

Local Information on scholarships (district of Madrid)

records request grants for the year 2010/2011 school are available on this site to be presented by the First Committee. They consist of the application form , terms of deposit and the list of documents required . They appeal to all families residing in the constituency (first applications and renewals).


BEFORE Friday, February 12, 2010

  • For the French College of Valladolid: take appointment with the Consulate General of France in Madrid: 91 700 78 00.

  • For the French College of Murcia: make an appointment with the Consular Agency of Murcia: 96 835 August 16

  • For the French College of Las Palmas: make an appointment with the Consular Agency LasPalmas : 92 829 23 71.

  • For the French School of Tenerife: make an appointment with the Consular Agency of Tenerife: 92 223 27 10.

  • For French School French School of Alicante and Benidorm: make an appointment at the Consulate General of France in Madrid Tel: 91 700 78 00 or with the Consular Agency of Alicante Tel: 96 512 5813.

  • For the French College of Bilbao: make an appointment with the Consulate General of France in Bilbao: 94 425 51 80.

  • For the French School of Seville: make an appointment with the Consulate General of France in Seville: 95 429 32 00.

  • For Lycée Molière, French School of Madrid and its annex Saint-Exupery, Chaumond School St., School St. Louis of the French Ecole Pomme d'Api: make an appointment with the Consulate General of France in Madrid: 91 700 78 00.

  • For French School in Valencia: make an appointment with the Consular Agency of Valencia: 96 351 03 59.

  • For French School Malaga make an appointment with the consular Antenna Malaga: 95 222 65 90 / 95 221 4888.

National Commission for scholarships in December 2009

Scholarship: report of the Committee in June 2009

Sunday, January 17, 2010

How Long Do I Need To Take Omeprazole?

Social Network PS

statement of intent Coopol is:

Welcome on Coopol!

cooperative policy is the social network of all those and all those who want to discuss and act on the left!

With Coopol, discover a new generation of tools for organizing and political mobilization to share online and act on the ground.

Activists, supporters of the PS or the left, anyone can register!

Now it's your turn!

or leftist sympathizers in Spain we find therefore coop l.
Our collaborative group is present and we have not been imaginative: Fate and Disruption . Register, then search the groups "Spain", and join the group.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Why Meth Makes People Ugly

National identity, to remember the themes of class y los otros

She was lost during the Christmas holidays, the intervention of Emmanuel Todd. We come away before it falls into a forgotten or not programmed.

"What Sarkozy is proposing is the hatred of others"
THE WORLD 12/26/2009 2:42 p.m. • Updated 12/28/2009 11:57

Demographer and historian Emmanuel Todd, 58, is a research engineer at the National Institute of Demographic Studies (INED).

inspired by the theme of social divisions, taken by Jacques Chirac during his 1995 presidential campaign, he has long observed the disconnect between elite and popular classes. He delivers his first analysis of the debate over national identity. Without concealing his anger. "If you're in power and you do not get anywhere economically, the search for scapegoats at all costs becomes second nature," said he.

What do you think the debate on national identity ?
I limited myself away as much as possible, because this debate is, in my eyes, really perverse. The government, at the approach of an election, has, indeed requires, a theme of the nation against Islam. I'm disgusted as a citizen. As a historian, I observe how the theme of national identity was activated from above, as a project rather cynical.

What is your analysis of the stakes of this debate?
The National Front has begun to bite into the working world in 1986 at a time when elites refused to look the problems posed by the integration of immigrant populations.
We then felt an anxiety that came from the bottom of society, which allowed the National Front to exist until 2007. As I noted in my book, The Destiny of Immigrants (Threshold), in 1994 the map voted FN was statistically determined by the presence of immigrants of North African origin, which crystallized anxiety due to problems specific anthropological real, related to differences in system of morals or status of women. Since then, tensions have eased. All opinion polls show: the thematic Immigration, Islam is in free fall and have been largely behind the economic concerns.
The reality is that France is now succeeding in its integration process. The people of Muslim origin in France are generally the most secularized and increasingly integrated Europe, with a high rate of intermarriage. For me, the sign of appeasement that is precisely the collapse of the National Front.

It is generally believed that politics led by Nicolas Sarkozy, who has been losing votes in the National Front ... The
sarkozystes think they have recovered the electorate of the National Front because they have conducted this policy of provocation, because Nicolas Sarkozy has set fire to the suburbs, and the appeals of the foot to the FN have been paid. But it is a misinterpretation. Thrust right in 2007, following riots in suburbs in 2005, was not a confrontation over immigration, but more of a resentment against young people expressed an aging population. Let us not forget that Sarkozy is elected the old.

How would you describe this right?
I dare say a line of government. This is not the right, not just the right ... Extreme right, ultra-right? It's something else. I have no words. I think increasingly that Sarkozyism is a social pathology reports and analysis of Durkheim - in terms of anomie, disintegration of religious suicide - as much as a Marxist analysis - in terms of classes, with concepts capital-emergence of socialism or oligarchic.

The head of state assured that he tried not to be "deaf to the cries of the people." What do you think?
For me it is a pure lie. In its platform in the world, Sarkozy revels in the word "people", he speaks of the people, the people. But what he proposes to the French because he can not solve the country's economic problems is to hate each other.
The company is lost, but I do not think people have great doubts about their belonging to France. I'm pretty optimistic when it really goes to the bottom of things and over time, the egalitarian temper of the French that they did not care issues of color and ethnic origin or religious!

Why, in these circumstances, the government continues there to take over a theme from the extreme right?
We are in the register of habit. Sarkozy's behavior is extremely brutal and vocabulary vis-à-vis Some kids from the suburbs, he had used during the presidential campaign while he expressed his opposition to the entry of Turkey into the European Union in a coded language to activate the anti-Muslim sentiment. He thinks it could work again.
I even wonder if the strategy of confrontation with Muslim countries - like Afghanistan or Iran - is not so much a part of the game inside. Perhaps the relationship between the Hauts-de-Seine and Seine-Saint-Denis, is already for him to foreign policy? It begs the question ...
If you are in power and you do not get anywhere economically, the search for scapegoats at all costs becomes second nature. As a conditioned reflex. But when one is faced with a power that enables the tension between the categories of French citizens, one is still forced to think of looking for scapegoats as it was practiced before the war.

What are the points of comparison with this period?
One minister himself - is the return of the repressed, the unconscious - refer to Nazism. (Christian Estrosi, November 26, said: "If, on the eve of World War II, at a time when the economic crisis invaded all the German people had begun to question what truly creates German identity, the heir of the Enlightenment, the home of Goethe and romanticism, then perhaps we would have avoided the excruciating and painful wreck of civilization European. ") In addition to demonstrating an ignorance of history quite extraordinary. For the reality of German history of the inter-war period is that it was not a debate on national identity. The difference was that the Nazis were really anti-Semitic. They believed and they have shown. France is not at all in this scheme.
should not to confusion, but we are still forced to make comparisons with the extreme right before the war. There are all sorts of behaviors that are new but which refer to the past. The state is making this point in the service of capital, it is fascism. The anti-intellectualism, hatred of the education system, the number of teachers hunt is also in the history of fascism. Just as the ability to say everything and its opposite, this feature of Sarkozyism.

The comparison with fascism, is not it excessive?
This is not to say that the same thing. There are big differences. But is being entering a new political and social system, which corresponds to a drift to the right system, some features reminiscent of the rise to power of the extreme right in Europe.

Yet Nicolas Sarkozy, who has appointed to key positions in several representatives of the daughters of immigrants ... The ability of
Sarkozyism is working on two poles: on one hand the hatred, resentment, on the other staging acts in favor of the Muslim faith or the appointment of Rachida Dati and Rama Yade government. The reality is that in all cases the ethnic theme is used to distract les thématiques de classe.

Propos recueillis par
Jean-Baptiste de Montvalon Sylvia Zappi et
Article paru dans l'édition du 12/27/1909 et turbulences

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Ap Bio Transpiration Lab Answers

Juantxo very activistas, por free end

If you do not see this message correctly, copy this address in your browser: / 01_10_libres/index.html

Greenpeace January 2010

Freedom Juantxo and three other Greenpeace activists

Danish police yesterday released a set of four Greenpeace activists who participated in peaceful action in the UN climate summit in Denmark, having endured 20 days on remand in prison in Copenhagen.

His release came a day before the expiration of the hearing with the judge. The four activists still face trial in the Danish courts and possible imprisonment.

The four activists of the Red Carpet ", the Netherlands, Norway, Spain and Switzerland, were arrested following a peaceful protest at the start of a state banquet organized by Queen Margrethe II to world leaders attending the Copenhagen summit on climate.

more »

Los activistas de Greenpeace detenidos en Dinamarca puestos en libertad

From Greenpeace Spain we want to thank you for all the tokens of affection and the support received during this time.

Greenpeace Spain
Hazte Socio - Infórmate y únete. Colabora! Reenvía este mail a tus amigos.

If you do not want to receive messages back from Greenpeace Spain, request it here. Thanks

red carpet for Uralde (Public)

"Pressure at the highest level"

Greenpeace believes that "the nightmare is over" because of "pressure at the highest level" by the Minister of Foreign Affairs Miguel Angel Moratinos, and the English embassy in Denmark.

As stated by the director of campaigns for Greenpeace in Spain, Mario Rodriguez, the vigils have been held today in 20 cities around the world

to protest the arrests made on 17 December at the Summit Weather in Copenhagen and Madrid has gathered in front of the Danish embassy in about a hundred people.

The protesters, headed by a banner signed by Ecologists in Action, which stated "Juantxo Come Home", were the wife of Uralde, Koro Castilian, and his brother, Inigo, who said to Efe feel a great relief "for the release of activist, whose situation" had come out of any reasonable measures "and was the victim of a" state of absolute helplessness. " Destin

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Weed Pop Blood Vessel Eye

Juan Lopez de Uralde, Nora Christiansen Chrigi and Joris Thijssen are not criminals

Quatre sont actuellement Greenpeace Activist held in Denmark, until January 7. They had participated in our action on December 17 at the dinner of Heads of State and Government in the framework of the Copenhagen summit on climate. The Danish authorities accuse them of having unfurled a banner calling on political leaders to act immediately in favor of an ambitious agreement to the stakes.

Vigilia in Embajada en España y Consulados danese

El miércoles 6 de Enero is realizar una vigilia 19.00 a 20.00 horas en las siguientes ciudades para pedir la Liberacion de los detenidos in Copenhagen.

  • Albacete Alicante Plaza Altozano
  • Denmark Consulate (Plaza Calvo Sotelo, 3-5) Almeria
  • Denmark Consulate (Parque Nicolas Salmeron, corner of Calle Real)
  • Denmark Consulate Barcelona (Rambla Catalunya, 45)
  • Bilbao
  • Arriaga Square Plaza del Ayuntamiento Gijón
  • Denmark Embassy Madrid (Serrano, 26)
  • Denmark Consulate Malaga (Cordoba 6, 404) Mallorca
  • Denmark Consulate (Union, 2) Murcia Plaza Cardenal
  • Belluga
  • Pamplona Plaza Sevilla City Hall
  • Denmark Consulate (Avda palm, 19)
  • Tenerife Consulado Dinamarca (Villalva Hervas, 5)
  • Valencia Consulado Dinamarca (Eugenia Viñes, 101)
  • Zaragoza Pza. de España