The existencialisme is a philosophical and literary movement belongs to the nineteenth to the twentieth century. So we can find elements of existencialisme in the thought of Socrates, or in the works of several philosophers and écrivans premodern. Sometimes this term can not be defined with precision. The existencialisme highlights a specific point on the individual existence and therefore, in subjectivity, freedom and conflict to take decision.
I'll make a little comment and a comparison of two small accounts écrivans existencialistes well known. The Algerian Albert Camus's famous foreigner and the Mexican Juan José Arreola with Bestiary.
My goal with this record it can show a sense of existencialisme from the comparison conditions of these two novels, one can say that it'll be a little analysis on existencialisme Modern with the help of these two books.
I will begin to define the meaning existencialiste the novel The Stranger Albert Camus. It describes very detailed the lack of values in the contemporary world because of the frustration and despair after the war in Europe. Meurseul, the main actor reflects a philosophy very absurd and disillusionment about life. Boredom and the everyday person make it an insensitive, and too much indiférente almost ruthless individuals, either one way or another, it was always the same. However, in the novel, it shows very high quality of the divine and human brotherhood. In my opinion, this novel shows us a profound reflection on the importance of finding the true meaning of life. Despite the everyday, the absurd and life without meaning, we must never allow these obstacles dominate us. People were created to be free and with that freedom can be dropped.
Camus's work shows a society that is different to the feelings. Shows fear to recognize that the blood is on the feeling of being scared.
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It shows a side in which the protagonist of this story is a ruthless individual, rather than crying for the death of his mother, he takes the situation as if it actually does 'm not very important. This is a much more postmodern, individualistic. It is the fear of facing reality and some times it changes it for existencialisme, to ask for what life is like that waste time without experiencing a real answer. The deaths of the mother from Meursault, was a depressing event, but to him it was onlya a formality to attend the funeral.
Now, a foreigner in a world where supposedly there is no space for the individual, will have consequences throughout the life of man. We arrive at the lack of a goal, a meaning in life, it takes a lot indiférente and little strength to fight por life. There is a very clear message in the story narrated by the protagonist (Camus) in first person singular. Degradation by a resigned humanity. Own negative attitudes of the time that takes a lot of Europeans are throwing arms of pessimism. You can feel a cold, cruel world without meaning. Camus did not believe in God or in life after death. That's why he interprets life as absurd and without hope. It considers human existence as the monotony without any reasoning on the idea that man is capable of creating a difference in his entourage.
On the other hand, a bestiary is a book that brings the Middle Ages Brief descriptions of real and imaginary animals, and an accompanying explanation. These works reflected the belief that the world is the book to be what we want, and anything can find an explanation. Juan Jose Arreola
this Bestiary, a book that alludes to the animals. From my perspective, Juan Jose Arreola is an objective description and record of those he loves. In addition, the author makes a comparison with the human personalities of animal behavior. They desgin personalities ranging from reality to fiction. Each story is written in the third person singular, except for some who are in the first person pliriel <<>>, it indicates or points out that the person who speaks or says the drama is for certain animal species mentioned. However, the third returns still representing the beginning of an idea that goes from subjectivity to objectivity. Arreola is a description of animals as if they were human beings. Almost all the stories are bedridden for the dead, or whether the animal or human, they are intended for their dead irrémisible Propro nature. There are other texts in the novel that relationship with sexuality. Sexuality has to do with the life and death. So these are very descriptios objective because the author, when he talks about each animal, he describes in the flood characteristics or qualities of each one of them.
Arreola mixing reality with fantasy, the natural with the mythical. In this story there is a correlation between animal and man which we ennoble what is the animal side and it degrades the human aspect. In this way, the monkey restrains to be a man, female insects, these are fatal females who behead their suitors before reaching the copula. In the end, was the hyena that has a wild behavior, violence, necrophilia and cowardly. The Mitologie, science, history and literature have little place in this novel he shows a great culture in the author. Nevertheless, it is evident the presence of many more aspects, for example: the ironic poetics, criticism of contemporary man and concern for the extermination of the animal world.
Currently, man depends on customs, its defects. The thought of the man departs the irony and humor order to express the true meaning of its existence as the monkeys they have not fallen on reasoning and they continue to paradise: caricaturescos, obscene, and free in their own way. The appearance dl'animal simbol and the relationship he has with certain rituals or Practical Magic.
I think that between these two authors there is a similarity with respect to what is the existencialisme. This is so absurd that the momentum built by the people at the moment in which it comes to expressing feelings or needs to know, or start asking for the existence of life. But the absurd we saw in relation to the revolt. Ie, that man comes at a time he needs to express his rebellion, deepening the real fact that life does not live in greater freedom.
There are two different novels in the sense of history, but at the same time, they are very similar in the sense when it comes to give an explanation of our existence, the reason for the necessity of freedom and why the indifference to the feelings between human beings. These two novels show an advance of time. They represent the total of lost innocence of today's society. Much of the world is witnessing the atrocities that still occur. Fatigue makes us accept life as it is given without tell questionemments.
It remains clear to me that Your Mine novels are one of the best that exist on the Literatures existencialisme. This case was an advance for my knowledges. I'm very glad I made this theme for the record because I have taken a very important decission on the thesis. On the other hand, I made this theme because always, I identify with existencialisme, Postmodernism and individualism, so that's why I enjoy doing what little work.
In my opinion, we must take into account that it is very important to identify with the theme. It's easier to work in a fluid.
This file is a job that I want to inspire that has the opportunity to read it to form an opinion that is. Also, can serve as a tool to learn about the existencialisme.