Saturday, April 24, 2010

Varicose Veins Vulva During Pregnancy

Manifestation of Madrid - "Contre l'Impunité du Franco"

We were like so many others.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Jazzy Chair Wiring Diagram

Demonstrations against the impunity of Franco Garzon

View Demonstrations against the impunity of Franco in a larger map Destin

Menstruation With Prolapsed Uterus

Signer pour

Dear friends across Spain,

It's amazing! Over 70.000 of us Already Have signed a petition to the Supreme Court urging Them to uphold the rule of law in the Cases Against Garzón. Below Sign the petition and let's Deliver 100.000 signatures to the President of the Supreme Court and the Judiciary Council this week. We have only days left!:
The news is in -- Judge Garzón is to be tried on charges that could end his career, inflicting a fresh blow to the credibility of our justice system. A decision on whether to suspend his license is expected imminently.

The main charge , brought by extreme right lobby groups, is that he violated the 1977 Amnesty Law by investigating crimes against humanity -- including the disappearance of tens of thousands of people, during the civil war and its aftermath. But crimes against humanity cannot be amnestied under international law.

The Supreme Court now faces a historic choice: uphold the rule of law, or allow ideology and impunity to triumph over justice. They are under enormous pressure to bring Garzón down, but a massive public outcry could tip the balance. More than 70,000 of us have already raised our voices for democracy and universal human rights -- let's deliver a 100,000-strong petition the General Council of the Judiciary and the Supreme Court this week. We have only days left -- sign the petition now and then help spread the word.

Whatever we think of Garzon, he has gained a reputation for his relentless efforts to seek justice, pursue brutal dictators, terrorists, drug mafias and corrupt politicians.

But the Supreme Court has admitted three complaints against him, two of which could impact on two crucial investigations for our democracy: the case of crimes against humanity, and the Gürtel case, one of the largest bribery and corruption scandals in our recent history.

The crimes against humanity case is straight forward -- these crimes are of such gravity that international law does not permit accused perpetrators to hide behind national amnesty laws, even if this law played a role at the time of our political transition.

If the court removes Garzon's license it will be undermining their commitment to universal human rights and with it our faith in the judicial system. Act now! Sign the petition and share this message with all your friends and family:

This petition is about all of us, beyond our political or party allegiances, defending our democracy, which is already weakened by an acute economic and political crisis and a plague of corruption. Only through bold citizens' actions can we ensure that our political leaders and institutions work for the common good. This is our moment! Click below to sign now:

With determination,

Luis, Alice, Benjamin, Iain, Ricken, Paul and the entire Avaaz team.

More information:

The New York Times, "An Injustice in Spain":

The Financial Times, "Garzón at bay":

The Economist, "Judge Not:

The Globe and Mail, "Political storm over Spain's Most famous judge"

Crimes of War Project: "Spain's Memory War: Judge Halts Attempt to Enforce Justice for Franco's Killings"


-------- Dear friends,

Awesome! More than 70,000 of us have already signed the petition asking ensure the independence of the judiciary and respect the laws applicable in the case against Judge Garzon. Sign the petition below. We can still deliver 100,000 signatures the Supreme Court and the Supreme Judicial Council this week.
has already been confirmed, the Supreme Court sit on the bench to Judge Garzon, in a process that could end his judicial career, and incidentally strike again the credibility of our judicial system. The decision on suspension could occur imminently.

The main charge driven right-wing groups, argues that he violated the 1977 Amnesty Law to investigate possible crimes against humanity, including the disappearance of tens of thousands of people during the civil war and its aftermath. But the truth is that these crimes against humanity can not be subject to an amnesty, in accordance with international law.

The Supreme Court faces a historic decision: uphold the rule of law, or allow ideology and impunity prevail over justice. Tribunal members are under enormous pressure to disable Garzon, but a massive public outcry could tip the balance in favor of justice. More than 70,000 of us have raised our voices in defense of democracy and universal human rights. Let this week delivered a petition of 100,000 signatures the General Council of Judicial Power. Sign the petition now and forward this message to everyone you know:

Beyond personal opinions and tastes , the fact is that Judge Garzon has built a reputation for his relentless efforts in pursuit of cruel dictators, terrorists, drug gangs and political corrupt.

But the Supreme Court has admitted three complaints against him, two of which could affect the course of two investigations crucial to democracy in Spain : the case for alleged atrocities in the civil war and during the dictatorship, Gürtel and the case against one of the biggest political corruption schemes in our history.

The debate on the investigation of alleged crimes against humanity is a complex but straight forward. Because of its special gravity international law does not allow those suspected of such crimes to hide behind national amnesty laws, even If this law played an important role in periods of political transition.

If the court removes Garzón of their duties on the basis of these considerations, will weaken our commitment to universal human rights and therefore, our faith in our judicial system. Act now and share this message with all your friends and family:

This case will have an impact on something that affects us all, above party or political leanings: the defense of our democracy, increasingly depressed by the acute crisis and the scourge of corruption. Only the courage and action of citizens we ensure that our political leaders and institutions react and get to work for the common good. It is our responsibility. Click to sign the petition and help gather 100,000 signatures, it also sends this message to all your friends and acquaintances.

With determination,

Louis, Alice, Benjamin, Iain, Ricken, Paul and the whole Avaaz team .

More information:

Estrella Digital, "The case Garzón, José Oneto:

El Mundo, "The Financial Times defends Garzón" http
: / /

Barometer social climate, "61% believed that Judge Garzon pursued and 64% say that justice is politicized, "

Intereconomía," The secretary general of the Basque PP says' no has neither head nor tail "the Garzón procesamiendo ':

El País, "Garzon before his judges", article by Javier Pradera on three complaints filed against Judge Garzon, including the shocking case on Gürtel: / Garzon/jueces/elpepiopi/20100303elpepinac_10/Tes /
, "The prosecution refused to suspend the functions of Garzón" functions / garzon

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Tuesday, April 20, 2010

What To Say In Sympathy Card In Spanish

In defense of victims of Franco, for democracy, human rights and in support Garzón


The signatories below, historical memories and associations of citizens, whose personal details indicate committed to justice required to victims of Franco and democracy in our institutions
, states:
At present, the General Council of the Judiciary and the Supreme Court have to decide on the suspension and prosecution of D. Baltasar Garzón Real, by seeking to assess the English genocide exercised during the Franco dictatorship, at the request of the complaints filed by the English Falange right-wing groups and Clean Hands, and we know what D. Baltasar Garzón is known internationally for his tireless efforts in the prosecution of crimes against humanity. But his investigations into the atrocities committed in Spain under Franco, with corruption scandals, have unleashed a political scandal and legal offensive aimed at diverting him from the judiciary and prevent the truth to surface.

The General Council of the Judiciary and the Supreme Court now face a historic choice: to respect the law and constitutional freedoms or allowing impunity prevailing ideology and the criteria of justice.

As citizens and as members of associations memoirists, it behooves the transcendental inescapable responsibility to act uncompromisingly in favor of democracy, of Law and Judge Garzon, whose cars claiming jurisdiction over the crimes of the Franco regime and master contain clear legal reasoning but, however, is prosecuted for trespass.

At the same time, we support and defend unconditionally to all judges to act in the same way from the Derecho.Que Garzón, or any other professional judiciary, is the subject of persecution from the Administration of Justice by arguing the law made from judicial independence, judicial reasoning to massive crimes against humanity, argued under our criminal laws and under international law, causes us deep concern, and conscious of our responsibility as democratic citizens


That before this unusual Judicial Power situation not applicable to the suspension of Judge D. Baltasar Garzon Real, it would cause grave prejudice to the constitutional principle of judicial independence, the inalienable rights of the victims of the dictatorship, and democratic values the rule of law


Sunday, April 18, 2010

How To Tie A Double Loop Belt

La bataille perdue du juge Garzon

Depuis le début of cet "harassment" discussed nous avions de l'opportunité d'un billet avions et des actions individuelles préféré dans d'autre collectifs. Maintenant que l'Etau s'est définitivement resserré you should go to the obvious:

Judge Garzon will not get away.

English society is now demonstrating the limits of its modernism, its democratic maturity, that of its institutions and people that comprise them.

His hello, hello if there is, can still come only from the outside, only international pressure, the global outrage, the European public opinion can still stop this inexorable legal death, programmed.

We will not revisit the general components of this assault and we must unpremeditated say, in Spain is not unique to this Maquiavel other foreign systems. Just here, everyone is benefiting and settles accounts with the "judge". The former PSOE who can not forgive him the GAL, the right of the PP that there is an instrument to curb Gurtel and the system of massive corruption that is undermining the autonomy they control the judicial system that is conspicuous by its progressivism and suffers Silence in the laws passed by parliament, the Nationalists who see a relay of the central power, is it not a judge of the Audiencia Nacional, exception system they say? .

must say he did not love, and not without reason .

  • Whether Varela, her inquisitor, who exchanged his talent against a progressive dubbing with the Supreme Court under the sponsorship of the Progressive Conservative judges of this court, what's easier, he implicitly acknowledged as an enemy staff, and did not recognize his methods or his style.
  • Whether others who approached him or the Pinochet case of trying to indict Kissinger for the coup in Chile.
  • Whether the administration that put in trouble Garzon (Berlusconi, Bush ...)
  • was stopped there, there are others ... ..
His methods were put in doubt as limits ... But it recognize a virtue:

this emergency, his perseverance prevailed

He blew a fresh wind on the young English democracy. Where it was thought that all the barbarities were permitted (barbaridades. is a Hispanic), where impunity prevailed, we knew, Garzon was there.

was a pleasure to hear that finally someone challenged This leaden permanent English society that is corruption (Jesus Gil and Marbella Gurtel, Pretoria), or put an end to the impotence of the society against the "narcotrafico" in Galicia (Necora). It was easier to go to work every morning until the last battles of the "judge". Unquestionably, then Pinochet and the indictment were the apotheosis of the Franco regime. Far from any legal technicalities, he was there.

Not the English system is not ready to recognize Garzon ...

is why no doubt he will continue to be true to himself at the forefront of the property to triumph over injustice, he will probably continue and go beyond, beyond this battle. War does she deserves not to be won, and why not climax?

The court of Justice the European Union is here for that, and Spain with its judicial system like France with its need to answer for their faults, their birth, their transitional compromise with their past. This

it will not be easy, but its fate is probably there, and perhaps this is why the same fate has led to the term.

will be there for a decision at the highest levels of our judiciary, as Garzon in the background was right. This can be a handful of instruments in the history of the surf that make history.

The "tribunal supremo" has measured these days certainly shift the institution with the rest of the advanced societies of the world around him, he probably measured with pain in a few years when she also inexorable condemnation Spain in the European institutions. Spain but this is perhaps not their own.

A search for "Garzon" in Google gives:
Results 1 to 10 from a total of about 6,720,000 for garzon (0.24 seconds)
One result:

http:/ /