Depuis le début of cet "harassment" discussed nous avions de l'opportunité d'un billet avions et des actions individuelles préféré dans d'autre collectifs. Maintenant que l'Etau s'est définitivement resserré you should go to the obvious:
Judge Garzon will not get away.
English society is now demonstrating the limits of its modernism, its democratic maturity, that of its institutions and people that comprise them.
His hello, hello if there is, can still come only from the outside, only international pressure, the global outrage, the European public opinion can still stop this inexorable legal death, programmed.
We will not revisit the general components of this assault and we must unpremeditated say, in Spain is not unique to this Maquiavel other foreign systems. Just here, everyone is benefiting and settles accounts with the "judge". The former PSOE who can not forgive him the GAL, the right of the PP that there is an instrument to curb Gurtel and the system of massive corruption that is undermining the autonomy they control the judicial system that is conspicuous by its progressivism and suffers Silence in the laws passed by parliament, the Nationalists who see a relay of the central power, is it not a judge of the Audiencia Nacional, exception system they say? .
must say he did not love, and not without reason .
- Whether Varela, her inquisitor, who exchanged his talent against a progressive dubbing with the Supreme Court under the sponsorship of the Progressive Conservative judges of this court, what's easier, he implicitly acknowledged as an enemy staff, and did not recognize his methods or his style.
- Whether others who approached him or the Pinochet case of trying to indict Kissinger for the coup in Chile.
- Whether the administration that put in trouble Garzon (Berlusconi, Bush ...)
- was stopped there, there are others ... ..
this emergency, his perseverance prevailed
He blew a fresh wind on the young English democracy. Where it was thought that all the barbarities were permitted (barbaridades. is a Hispanic), where impunity prevailed, we knew, Garzon was there.
was a pleasure to hear that finally someone challenged This leaden permanent English society that is corruption (Jesus Gil and Marbella Gurtel, Pretoria), or put an end to the impotence of the society against the "narcotrafico" in Galicia (Necora). It was easier to go to work every morning until the last battles of the "judge". Unquestionably, then Pinochet and the indictment were the apotheosis of the Franco regime. Far from any legal technicalities, he was there.
Not the English system is not ready to recognize Garzon ...
is why no doubt he will continue to be true to himself at the forefront of the property to triumph over injustice, he will probably continue and go beyond, beyond this battle. War does she deserves not to be won, and why not climax?
The court of Justice the European Union is here for that, and Spain with its judicial system like France with its need to answer for their faults, their birth, their transitional compromise with their past. This
it will not be easy, but its fate is probably there, and perhaps this is why the same fate has led to the term.
will be there for a decision at the highest levels of our judiciary, as Garzon in the background was right. This can be a handful of instruments in the history of the surf that make history.
The "tribunal supremo" has measured these days certainly shift the institution with the rest of the advanced societies of the world around him, he probably measured with pain in a few years when she also inexorable condemnation Spain in the European institutions. Spain but this is perhaps not their own.
A search for "Garzon" in Google gives:
Results 1 to 10 from a total of about 6,720,000 for garzon (0.24 seconds)
One result: http:/ / www.syndicat-magistrature.org/Soutien-au-juge-Baltasar-Garzon.html
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