Friday, September 11, 2009

Car Trailer Legislation Ontario

Hortefeux wins points for its early retirement

I was not so hot to me too after seeing the video, not clear enough. But after reading the transcript, and given the context, there is hardly any doubt and I would even say "this funny cartoon Umps. As for Jean Francois Cope, said he leaves, right?
What Hortefeux really said

LEMONDE.FR (BH): I am JFC Auvergne: Auvergne It is a tragedy is a drama BH: ... Anyway, I'll make an exception. Young activist

(Amin), but I put myself between the two

BH: that between the two.
JFC: yes ... there is no problem.

Participants: Amine, Amine ... One participant
: Ah, Amin is the integration, it is integration. A participant
: Amine, frankly ...
Hortefeux: "It is much bigger than us and more [about the young man].
Another participant: "He, he speaks Arabic."

(Laughter from the meeting)

Jean-Francois Cope: "Do not be fooled, these are socialist infiltrators".
One participant: "He is Catholic, he eats pork and drinks beer."
Hortefeux: "Ah but it does not, then it does not correspond at all to the prototype, then. It's not that at all."

(laughter of the assembly)

A participant: It's our little Arabic.
Hortefeux: "Well, fine. It is always one. When there is one, that's fine. It's when there are many problems there. Come on, good luck ..."

Destiny and turbulence - Madrid.


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