Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Philco Pas1028 Operating Instructions

Nicolas Sarkozy and Justice party, or how the mask is dropped.

is taken as is, it is no need to add more. go, if we add a little, because this is obviously not a slip, Nicolas Sarkozy is vindictive ... the president does is maybe not him. But that dominates Dr. Jekyll or Mr. Hyde? It is certain that the function does not the man in this case, both in substance and in form we are in a sad time in what should be a place above the melee.

The judge's impartiality
(for your culture)
And Nicolas Sarkozy skidded
(Pascale Robert-Diard, columnist judicial World)
From New York, where he is live on TF1 and France 2, Nicolas Sarkozy was asked about the Clearstream affair and attacks against him by Dominique de Villepin. He replied: "after a lengthy investigation, two independent judges felt that
perpetrators should be referred to the criminal court ...
The sentence is immediately transmitted to Mr. Olivier Metzner, a lawyer Dominique de Villepin that interrupts the hearing and read the statement. The word "guilty", Mr Sarkozy's lawyer, Thierry Herzog Me, marks the spot. The entire room is suspended following the remarks of Mr. Metzner.
He continues: "That is the respect of your court? your floor? That a president gives to France as a show of justice? The presumption of innocence is a fundamental right. And President of the Republic violates live before millions of French! We already wanted to hang Dominique de Villepin to "fangs". Now they say already guilty! ".

Mr. Herzog does not believe his ears, and seeks at all costs to verify the connection, the phone hanged. He hesitated to respond, then fails.

outdoors Metzner announced to Me cameras that he will file a complaint against Nicolas Sarkozy for the presumption of innocence.

Destiny and turbulence - Madrid.


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