However, we can find in any library or Internet pègina very extensive and comprehensive monographs of great art was as Rodchenko and I preferred to dedicate this page to a contemporary author, much less is known as the photojournalist Emilio Morenatti.
The reason I chose this author is the impact caused me his book, "Gender Violence in Pakistan", which I had the opportunity to see exposed last year in Barcelona and the building CaixaFórum who won first prize FotoPress'09 devoted to this genre.
This work represents a striking and esgarrifador work that reveals mistreatment Pakistani women by their husbands or relatives Dust and even their parents. It consists of fifteen portraits in which denounces aggression (these women have sat wet with sulfuric acid) that these women suffer daily. To achieve this, the author made possible the difficult task of these people came before his camera to show the world his misfortune and his pain because most of them, moreover, have sat rejected by his family and have been forced to flee his country, becoming virtually impossible their reintegration in the workplace and in society in general (some of them, though they work for a NGOs as stylists and make-up).
These images show us the outrageous horror deeper than humans can and not leave anyone indifferent to most everyone thought that sees.
However, this reality show is necessary to educate those who do not know what happens in other parts of the world, resulting in just this one example among many other atrocities from which many women are victims on both sides of the planet.
Finally, Rodchenko and said that Moratti had little to see, because while the latter binds strongly to criticism of its social photography, Rodchenko, influenced in part by the marginalization suffered their work by Stalin's Soviet regime to take over political disillusionment to Lenin and his direction that the revolution had taken that he had helped build and which had produced excellent works, reached the end of his career thinking about that perhaps art and politics should be separated, thus establishing one of the premises later that constitute the Russian constructivist movement: "to kill the last remnants of human thought when it binds to the art. " It sought to completely untie the art society, feelings or politics, so this would be something completely rational, functional, logical and anal-lytic (as in studies of Kandinsky) is mechanical and objective, and therefore progressive. "
However, Rodchenko defended the need to do everyday things from other points of view that differs from both the pretensions of Morenatti because, unfortunately, these portraits that surprised to see a museum are the daily reality of many women, mothers and girls in Pakistan.
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