Sunday, October 12, 2008

What Could Cause Reoccuring Blisters

Author: Eduardo A. Zamora Martínez En las sociedades

tradicional los conocimientos africanas is transmiten oralmente, the cult of "word" made it a key vector of transmission and contact throughout the continent. Since ancient times, Africans have been displaced by the world, bringing with them their knowledge, their origins, their techniques, their beliefs, their traditions, their different dialects, their morale, the secrets of nature and the universe.

The "Griots" have a plethora of knowledge, endowed with an extraordinary memory are responsible for preserving the tradition and propagators of it. They also became negotiators, mediators, conflict ambassadors, musicians, poets, historians, world travelers, etc.., Play a considerable role in the circulation of ideas, these speakers are the witness unifier of men. YESCO

Hampaté BA (1899-1991) "The Griots are the active agents of the talk, Teachers of the Word, have two languages in their mouths."

oral transmission for the African peoples, is pure and free education for all encompassing morality, philosophy, mathematics, geometry, history, genealogy, customs and all that human knowledge is called cultural opinion and worship.

The dances are part of the teaching of knowledge. The lessons are given by the great pioneers, the masters. Lessons go through the initiation, learning, development, repetition, control "to a hard school of life."

are divided into three cycles in human life:

to 7 years the child is a home school where the principal teacher is his mother.
After 7 years, subject to initiations by region, district or village to which it belongs. Later
cycles of 21 years to 42 years: The individual and reinforces their knowledge and at age 42 will be "a grown man." He has the right to speak and become a man should be taught in turn, transmit this knowledge back to benefit.
After 63 years the man is retired, you can not demand anything. Just be prepared to go to death with all his knowledge. YESCO

Hampaté BA (1899-1991) "When an elder dies, a library disappears."
African Dance and the Western World.

An indisputable fact is that the dances in Africa are not exported in their original forms in Western countries, for some it is a lack of respect for their culture, and moreover is seen as a sociocultural phenomenon evolving artistic and it depends on the approach to address this issue. It is difficult to delimit the dance in Africa, covering only a plurality of meaning, a variety of concepts and a variety of meanings. Unable to unify all the currents of this art and make them into a mold, but you can try to find a common denominator for purposes of expression. The dance of African expression strives to give men the great reconciliation of the head and body, thought and instinct, for the liberation of expression and neglect the monotonous rhythm. In other words, is an approach that leads man to meet his body, even at the most depths of his being, to discover their latent qualities, the expansion of his personality, both physically, intellectually, social, therapeutic and spiritual. A - beyond about learning a technique, a mechanical dance is characterized as a state of mind, is a dance that requires a true physical investment, an initiation that leads to self-knowledge.
Those who practice it, feel changes in their bodies, their functioning and balance, is placed in communication with the natural elements (fire, air, soil, water). As every body is a readily understandable language, universal. When sensitized with African dance, the person picks up his powerful energy, your strength, its sap, the lifeblood that allows to exceed it.

- Castañer Balcells, Marta (2000). Body language and dance, Ed INDE, Zaragoza, Spain.
- Zamora, Eduardo (2006) "Dance, African percussion and body expression in subjects aged 17 and 18" Thesis work


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