Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Cheat Pokemon Soulsilver R4

Greatness of power does not go much ...

Chances exist and now I've found, at least, curious. It turns out that a friend told me that he was reading a book title of which practically coincided with my blog (I swear that you did not know). So I
interested in its contents and will leave here the synopsis of "The power of estupidez" - "a Agudo take you by the shapes of human estupidez, the strength most destructive of the whole evolution. ": When

is little to celebrate that five hundred years of" Praise of Folly " of Erasmus, it is clear that humanity has not learned its lesson and that the stupidity continues to dominate our world.
The only way to combat it successfully is learning to know it and that is what is taught us this funny and profound book Giancarlo Livraghi, world-renowned expert in the fields of communication and advertising.
The power of estupidez, summarizes what has been said about the laws of Murphy, Parkinson's or Cipolla, the principle of Peter Pan and the razor Henlon, plus a group. collection of maxims, proverbs and adage of all time.
It invites us to understand how the stupidity appears today associated with power, bureaucracy, war, technology (the disease Power Point), science, obscurantism, etc.. The book
is, moreover, a key that opens many doors and offers tips and suggestions for new texts and materials on the Internet.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Coolest Swing Set Blueprints

¡Creeme insecto! Tienes el corazón cerca del cielo. Bella calífera con cabeza en forma de triángulo y tus patas traseras que se sostienen recio a la tierra, aunque tus alas te permitan ser libre también. A veces tus sonidos son de alerta, y otras de pura fiesta. Tú, belleza y grandeza de Dios, eres fuerte, valiente, sabio y compasivo...


Believe me! Your heart is close to the sky. Beautiful grasshopper with a triangular head and your back legs which support solidly grounded, even if your wings allow you to be free. Sometimes, your sounds are alert, others just have fun. You, beauty and greatness of Gods, you're strong, brave, wise and compassionate ...

Thursday, September 9, 2010

White Stools One Year Old

mauvaise reputation

eavesdropping at home, I found a tape that my father used to put the car when I was little: Paco Ibanez in Olympia (whose songs I knew by heart and sang even then might not understand its meaning). The tape was recorded the English version of a song by French singer Georges Brassens (one of the leading representatives of both the chanson française located and the anarchist of the twentieth century), and I wanted to post the letter in this Entry (Tot i publicar that the original francesa): BAD REPUTATION

  the village, unpretentious 
I have a bad reputation.
Qu'je m'démène qu'je or remains silent
I pass' for je ne sais quoi! I
does however hurt anyone
Following my way little man. Brav's
But people do not like
It follows a different path,
No, these brave people do not like that's
It follows a different path,

Everyone gossiped Me,
Except the dumb, it goes without saying.

Day Bastille Day
I remain in my cozy bed.
The music marching,
This does not concern me.
I'm yet to harm anyone, not listening
In the bugle sounding. Brav's
But people do not like
It follows a different path,
No, these brave people do not like that's
It follows a different path,

Everyone I pointing
Except the penguins, it goes without saying. I reckon

When an unlucky thief,
Pursued by a cul-earth;
J'lance leg and why the silence,
The cul-earth s'retrouve
the ground yet because I do not harm anyone,
leaving the robbers run apples.
But these brave people do not like that's
It follows a different path,
No, these brave people do not like that's
It follows a different path,

Everyone rushes on me,
Unless the cul-de-bowl, it goes without saying.

No need to be Jeremiah
For Viner fate that I promised
trouv'nt If a rope to their liking,
They pass me in the neck, I simply
yet to harm anyone,
By following the paths n'mènent not in Rome's
But these brave people do not like
It follows a different path,
No, these brave people do not like that's
It follows qu'eux une autre route, the

Tout mond 'viendra me voir Pendu, the aveugles
sauf, bien entendu
   Georges Brassens   

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

The Best Golf Tournament Flyers

the Prince of Asturias CREATE AN ORGANIZATION TO SUPPORT monarchy with half the INHERITANCE OF THE EMPLOYER MINORCAN Llabrés BALLAD (THE OTHER HALF HAS gone to their own pockets).

Obviously a monarchy in full s. XXI is to begin with, a situation completely outdated and misplaced. In addition, the humiliation for the people involved had to keep a bunch of xupòpters that contribute nothing productive to society (and not keep them in any way ... but not with all kinds of luxuries; operations including aesthetics) and not even worthy to use State public services such as health or education, while every day the unemployment figures are multiplied and their families through real torment to go ahead with the mortgage, maintenance of children and old, etcetera.
Thus, the King and all his followers, VERY far from providing any benefit to society, no different than problems. And not only in the economic field, but even in international relations (Or do not remember the famous " Callas Why not now? ?).
Well, the Royal Family today delights us with another of his pearls:

"The Prince Asturias Foundation created the Heritage Hesperia Menorca Balada Llabrés.La employer institution shall be to study and support for the monarchy, and their promotion through the arts and sciences.
The Princes of Asturias, these days as the Kings finish their holidays, have formed the Hesperia Foundation as executors of the investor Minorca Juan Ignacio Balada Llabrés, who died in Ciutadella on November 18, 2009 and whose estate was bequeathed to them.
The Royal Family reported in January that the Princes of Asturias and the eight grandchildren of the Queen of Spain had accepted the legacy of John Ignacio Balada, who ordered that half should be allocated to a foundation of general interest and which corresponded to Felipe and Letizia manage the creation of this foundation. Cast
The other 50% of Fortune's Ballad Llabrés was awarded individually to the heirs of the Crown of Spain, Felipe, Letizia and the eight grandchildren of the King.
The Ministry of Education has entered the Hesperian Foundation in the Register of Foundations, at the request of Jaime Alfonsin, head of the Secretariat of the Prince of Asturias, as shown in the register.
The address of this foundation has been established in the Palacio de la Zarzuela. Account with a budget of four million euros from the property and assets bequeathed Juan Ignacio Balada. The statutes
indicates that, in fulfilling the will of Juan Ignacio Balada Llabrés expressed in his will, the foundation will aim to study and support for the monarchy, both in Spain and abroad, and their promotion through science and the arts.
Other objectives include training of youth to facilitate improved access to the labor market, promotion, participation and promotion of social projects, and promoting culture in its various manifestations. The board has been
Gonzalo Urquijo consisting Fernandez de Araoz as president, Juan Luis Iglesias Prada, secretary, and Enric Brancos Núñez, vocal. Juan Ignacio Balada
Llabrés, who died on November 18, 2009, was the only son of the pharmacist and entrepreneur Catherine Llabrés Ramon Balada Matamoros. Lived in Ciutadella de Menorca, his hometown, where are located most of its real estate. "

The Prince Asturias Foundation created the Heritage Hesperia Menorca employer Llabrés Balada - People - The Journal

Monday, September 6, 2010

Cydia Source Pokemon Roms


German Pavilion of the International Exhibition of Barcelona Ludwig Mies van der Rohe

The fact that here in two weeks I moved the suitcase for me to Valencia made me think of the time I was living in Barcelona. Life in the city was a period of reflection helped me to clarify many doubts, many leave behind prejudices and make the decision more difficult and also most important I've taken so far to change the architecture to fine arts.
So, although my experience of that year brought me more headaches than anything else and more than one sleepless night, I left myself with good memories: Because you never forget how I discovered each Barcelona neighborhoods (and their festivals!) with Julia, as I know Lleida, one of the most beautiful and welcoming where I was, nor the opportunity to attend an opera at the Liceu for the price of five dollars and metro ticket "Royal Palace-Lyceum; long hours in the pavilion by Mies van der Rohe, as we were suddenly singing a song of Elvis in a karaoke Chinese restaurant, and how to us desestresar examination, corriem with outstretched arms and crying through the middle of the Diagonal, while ricotta women who rose every day to walk the dog (dogs branded as not!) coat with a group of us watched with the same face of weariness.
But I will never forget is that last evening with Marta (pity that many other people I could not say goodbye as m'haguera liked because they were traveling in Berlin ...), as I give my first box, as we laugh at the lady of the ice cream stop the Triangle and how we lost the quarter ... And especially the way we say goodbye at the station Metro Plaza Catalonia, one on each side of platform (Green Line-I direction "Zona Universitaria"; her direction "New Trinity"), as if we went to see the next morning in class, but knowing it might not We return to see (at least enough time). I
good ink over the years I'll forget the names of many people I had the opportunity to meet, but never erase from my memory certain details such as the smile of Julia fireproof, eyes blue Martha jokes about some Mallorcan undecipherable talk, review of lessons before an exam Hoffmann, Victor Armengol and competitiveness, Guillaume serenity, the elegance of Robert English, casting for television commercials of Adriana, travel Bru, how we laughed when the teacher of composition remained blank at half explanation, the so gracious to George explained or extravagant dress by Marc ...
Despite last month but I can not help thinking this every time I read a Chinese newspaper that an artist is full of coffee and milk pools pavilion by Mies van der Rohe, who prostitutes or invade Boqueria Diagonal flying transformed into a boulevard. However, the bitter feeling m'envaeix consider the possibility that they do not remind me the day I feel the noon news that the planning is done with the last beach along the coast of Castellón.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Mini Crotch Rockets For Sale

true love, A COONSPIRACIÓ capitalists.

-René Magritte The Lovers
I recently read the blog of a good friend (yo and other disaster s ") a letter which raised the existence of true love (even referring to marital relationships, not the love that you can have towards a friend, relative or even a pet) as a mere invention of capitalism, reflected in the film industry, music or romance novels.
This suggestion seemed interesting enough to consider it for a few minutes and dedicate a post to my own blog.

The issue is that it is very common to consider to what extent have affected the beliefs and religious beliefs and different political systems and economic development in the daily life of each individual, but it is difficult to consider as a fact so rooted in the daily affairs of citizens is how love can be really be a toy that we wanted to sell (and if so, has sold very well!) from deep capitalism .

First, this statement may be shocking and even sensationalist, but after a few minutes of reflection, you get to think "Why not?". After all, we are one species among all the animals that inhabit the Earth and, as such, is when we act in order to preserve the continuation of the human species and improve our quality of life (and the worst case, simply survive) ... So we eat, we reproduce, we investigate about science and technology and even produce art in order to satisfy our need for creative, enjoy the aesthetic contemplation of a work in the arts or just for entertainment, in the case of the performing arts or music. But what role love plays in the life of an essentially human? In most cases, only serves to prepare the people and provoke conflicts and headaches he loves ... well seen (because, unlike all the other things we do not promote our quality of life, but rather the opposite), the most logical thought is prompted by an instrument of some interest to promote consumption (movies, books, music, marriage, anniversaries, Valentine's day ...) or in the worst cases, have inadvertent minds of many as in some parts of the world occur daily terrible events.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Why Does My Urine Go Clear When I Drink

our happiness is in us, and not in the brains of other people.

opinion we deserve to others (much pride that prevents us cegue and we recognize it because of an absurd desire to prove our strength and our internal self-sufficiency) is overrated.
So we must not forget that the way of being and personal feelings and thoughts reside in himself and in his nature, and what accounts for the other one is simply a "seasoning" that intensifies and makes minor nuances the flavor of each individual.
However, the same way that an object is seen close focus, the perception of the importance of what one is about what it represents, and also blurs this scale of values in conflict when we are in certain situations (especially those who are reviewing whether we are someone we admire, we love, or simply is in a position " higher au same for economic reasons, social, intellectual, etc.).. However, if we move away enough to be able to clearly see and observe the events from the outside and objectively, we realize the shallowness of the thoughts of those who criticize to hurt: you can see everything from petty feelings, the absurdesa of his views, the limitation of his intelligence and especially his cowardice (as which usually tends to criticize the backs of a person, never giving the face of life):
So keep in mind (albeit minimally) their opinions is too much appreciation.

BECAUSE ONE THOUSAND imbecile who criticize Ilustre HOME, THIS HOME WILL NOT LESS intelligent (OR THEY WILL BE LESS imbecile).