-René Magritte The Lovers |
This suggestion seemed interesting enough to consider it for a few minutes and dedicate a post to my own blog.
The issue is that it is very common to consider to what extent have affected the beliefs and religious beliefs and different political systems and economic development in the daily life of each individual, but it is difficult to consider as a fact so rooted in the daily affairs of citizens is how love can be really be a toy that we wanted to sell (and if so, has sold very well!) from deep capitalism .
First, this statement may be shocking and even sensationalist, but after a few minutes of reflection, you get to think "Why not?". After all, we are one species among all the animals that inhabit the Earth and, as such, is when we act in order to preserve the continuation of the human species and improve our quality of life (and the worst case, simply survive) ... So we eat, we reproduce, we investigate about science and technology and even produce art in order to satisfy our need for creative, enjoy the aesthetic contemplation of a work in the arts or just for entertainment, in the case of the performing arts or music. But what role love plays in the life of an essentially human? In most cases, only serves to prepare the people and provoke conflicts and headaches he loves ... well seen (because, unlike all the other things we do not promote our quality of life, but rather the opposite), the most logical thought is prompted by an instrument of some interest to promote consumption (movies, books, music, marriage, anniversaries, Valentine's day ...) or in the worst cases, have inadvertent minds of many as in some parts of the world occur daily terrible events.
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