Tuesday, September 14, 2010

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Greatness of power does not go much ...

Chances exist and now I've found, at least, curious. It turns out that a friend told me that he was reading a book title of which practically coincided with my blog (I swear that you did not know). So I
interested in its contents and will leave here the synopsis of "The power of estupidez" - "a Agudo take you by the shapes of human estupidez, the strength most destructive of the whole evolution. ": When

is little to celebrate that five hundred years of" Praise of Folly " of Erasmus, it is clear that humanity has not learned its lesson and that the stupidity continues to dominate our world.
The only way to combat it successfully is learning to know it and that is what is taught us this funny and profound book Giancarlo Livraghi, world-renowned expert in the fields of communication and advertising.
The power of estupidez, summarizes what has been said about the laws of Murphy, Parkinson's or Cipolla, the principle of Peter Pan and the razor Henlon, plus a group. collection of maxims, proverbs and adage of all time.
It invites us to understand how the stupidity appears today associated with power, bureaucracy, war, technology (the disease Power Point), science, obscurantism, etc.. The book
is, moreover, a key that opens many doors and offers tips and suggestions for new texts and materials on the Internet.


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