Almost without realizing it was the day Dad left Mom to fix everything and had no answers to my questions.
came the day when bills alone are no longer paid, the dishes are not cleaned by "spontaneous generation" and, unfortunately, dirty clothes and appeared not bent over the bed as if by magic.
Almost without noticing, the stage of change was the rage of mixed drinks for the taste of good wine and disco nights for interesting discussions in a friendly pub.
stage came to realize that the concept of fun had undergone a metamorphosis butterfly a worm, and you were doing a game of life, you suddenly realize that playing, which is betting too. Almost
see it coming it was time to live real dreams, changing the wings for a good pair of shoes.
It's time to discover that no longer hold up in the air, with paper boats that sailed through the clouds, the time to know that there is no other to dry in the sun to get stronger, because the ground water are more stormy.
Almost without knowing when you choose to grow, it's time to mature, crying over lost innocence and crying wasted, swallowing gulps the sometimes unpalatable taste of responsibility and learning to relate to an inner silence that sometimes deafening.
Almost without knowing how, and fear of knowing too much, it was time to schedule a dialogue between the child who refuses to die and the adult who never ceases to grow. Text
Laura Maroto.
came the day when bills alone are no longer paid, the dishes are not cleaned by "spontaneous generation" and, unfortunately, dirty clothes and appeared not bent over the bed as if by magic.
Almost without noticing, the stage of change was the rage of mixed drinks for the taste of good wine and disco nights for interesting discussions in a friendly pub.
stage came to realize that the concept of fun had undergone a metamorphosis butterfly a worm, and you were doing a game of life, you suddenly realize that playing, which is betting too. Almost
see it coming it was time to live real dreams, changing the wings for a good pair of shoes.
It's time to discover that no longer hold up in the air, with paper boats that sailed through the clouds, the time to know that there is no other to dry in the sun to get stronger, because the ground water are more stormy.
Almost without knowing when you choose to grow, it's time to mature, crying over lost innocence and crying wasted, swallowing gulps the sometimes unpalatable taste of responsibility and learning to relate to an inner silence that sometimes deafening.
Almost without knowing how, and fear of knowing too much, it was time to schedule a dialogue between the child who refuses to die and the adult who never ceases to grow. Text
Laura Maroto.
Thanks Laura. (+ X + = +). I love you.

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