Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Certificate Programs Nyc

When the right looks like the PS, but crazier!

Il faut les chercher dans les recoins ces informations; un court recueil mais représentatif.

La presse "officielle", trop stalinienne , pour reprendre l'expression d'un pit-bull menteur de Sarko, n'a aucun intérêt à mettre en avant les dissentions et folies de la droite au pouvoir. Elle préfère parler de la gauche que quand celle-ci tape sur la gauche.

Alain Juppé ne not mince words about the territorial reform of Nicolas Sarkozy

AND PAN-He always said he kept his freedom of speech. And he sticks to it. In an interview published today in the newspaper Sud-Ouest, Alain Juppe angrily tackles Nicolas Sarkozy on the proposed land reform. For the former prime minister this project is by no means an "upheaval. But it's the same with Sarkozy, you are told it is a break with everything we have done in the past ... It's a transition. "As to the removal of business tax paid to date by companies to the communities authorities, the mayor of Bordeaux, which is expressed as Vice President of CUB (Urban Community of Bordeaux) said that "the government seeks provocation." He recalled that "President Sarkozy had promised a compensation per euro but he forgot to say for a year. The mayor of Bordeaux said that "from the second year, the CUB would lose millions. It's still making fun of the world. "Finally Alain Juppe also criticized the manner of election of territorial advisors that the President of the Republic wants to reform in depth. "This is a very profound change, justified by two reasons" said the vice-president of the CUB, which continues: "The first, a little demagogic, is to reduce the number of elected and which is always fun. The second is to begin the reconciliation of regional community and departmental community. "How do these advisors will they be elected, we do not know 'he asks," we must expect that the law does is not filed. "


Clearstream Clement said pressure Villepin and Sarkozy
By David Servenay by Mathieu Delahousse, Brother of Figaro, the manners of the Place Vendome, the Justice Department infernal "(Flammarion), forthcoming next week. The scene takes place in spring 2007 before the presidential election, when the press unpacks the Clearstream affair 2.
Pascal Clement was then the Justice Minister and this is how he finds himself caught between a rock and a hard place:

"I get on the phone one morning a call from Inter, Dominique de Villepin [then Prime Minister, note]:

- You saw the press! There is no secret of education ... It is not possible! We must continue!

He asked me to continue without telling the lawyers suspected of Nicolas Sarkozy to feed the press. Two hours later, call from Nicolas Sarkozy [then Minister of Interior, note]:

- Hello Pascal! You saw what made the Prime Minister! You understood what he did! What are you waiting for go on?

I hang idly: I'm surrounded! The next day, the Council of Ministers, the President [Jacques Chirac, ed] leans toward me and slides:

- Pascal Tell me, how do you do with these two fools?

I reply:

- Mr President, if you knew you are right ...

It touched me and stabilized. That calmed me down. How I did with these two fools? I did as I could! I had not told the President, but he guessed I had the pressure of the Prime Minister and Minister of State, Minister of the Interior! Who says better? (...) I ended up ordering myself proceedings against X for breach of the confidentiality of investigations.

This calmed the damn game I did not do so because Dominique de Villepin had asked me but because the press articles were permanent and constantly feeding the paper. "

Destiny and turbulence - Madrid.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Drivers License For Autistic People

debt and deficit seen "by the front left" or any cons Benedict!

This article deserves to be read, not because he gets on Benoît Hamon, but to be a substantive anlysis of debt (debt in Europe) and the fact that this blanks solution réabordant the theme of protectionism in Europe, the output of the euro ... Not everything has to be taken in measuring or bias of the author is in the cleavage PS / Left Front, and also by the fact that Marianne is there to tap the PS, all is good to save Bayrou!.
But hey, it's not bad to ride on that side, because the margins to highlight the programs of the inacomplissement PS, we still manage Fillon and Sarkozy to cry or productivism-consumerism of the front left that does not turn the page on the production company.

Debt: Benoît Hamon did not understand anything! / (Marianne!)

Jacques Sapir

- Economist Monday, October 5, 2009 at 07:01 Read 3720 times
Jacques Sapir did not appreciate recent statements by Benoît Hamon on government debt. The director of studies at EHESS, who supported the Left Front in the European, the judge "silly" and especially "incoherent". Because Benedict Hamon on this subject is not the same when he is spokesman for the Socialist Party when it comes in as the leader of the current "A World in advance" ...

The announcement by François Fillon a budget for 2010 with the record deficit of 8.5% of GDP has provoked many reactions. Jean-Pierre Raffarin and on Canal +
, found the figure too high. He is in his traditional role and it does not surprise anyone. By cons, Benoît Hamon's statements on September 27 that the

France was "ruined" are much more surprising (1). They have been confirmed, but this is a little less surprising, with statements along the same direction of François Hollande.

Thus, the Socialists would be converted to fiscal restraint?

Coming after their conversion to liberal Europe, this would hardly be surprising if it did not introduce a dissonance in their major speeches. Let's face it: it is unlikely that the Socialists are gaining credibility in this argument, but they certainly lose one he could still hold, particularly Benoît Hamon, other arguments such as industrial policy or protectionism European (2).

Benoît Hamon is it silly? (Third)

Dette: Benoît Hamon n'a rien compris!
must first take the numbers Benoît Hamon and obviously do not know, nor all those who hold a speech on catastrophic debt.

First, it is clear that France is not specifically ruined. It is even slightly below the average for the euro zone with 81.5% in 2010 against a weighted average of 83.6%. Then, the debt is not increasing faster than elsewhere in France.

Dette: Benoît Hamon n'a rien compris!
Again, we see that France is about average for industrialized countries. The debt is growing much faster in the former " good students "that were the Netherlands, Finland, Ireland and Spain. It is true that for the most indebted countries there was little room for maneuver (Italy, Greece and Belgium).

However, this gives only a partial picture of the problem of indebtedness. At the public debt, yet we must add the household and corporate. And then, a surprise awaits us. In 2006, France was the least indebted of all major European countries (Figure 1
below). This was due to the relatively low household debt. The two champions indebtedness were Spain and Great Britain. As the United States, with more than 240% of overall debt, although they appeared as the Olympic champions.

Looking now 2010, with calculations assuming that households are deleveraging in all countries where they are heavily in debt, and corporate debt tends to increase, there while the debt of France is slightly below that of Germany, and very much lower than that of Great Britain and Spain (Figure 2
below). It is true that these figures do not, and this is true for all countries, the total public debt. Thus, some of the accounts or debt guaranteed by the state from certain companies in the U.S., are not included in public debt. The numbers here should be understood as comparable figures but not complete.

Dette: Benoît Hamon n'a rien compris!

Dette: Benoît Hamon n'a rien compris! However, the comparable difference between these figures and actual figures is roughly the same depending on the country. So is that why we use these data (3).
It is finally true that the debt structure also explains the differences between these countries and forecasts for 2010. But, all debt must be a good day (normally) paid, whether private or public. The only reality that counts is the overall indebtedness of the agents of the economy and not merely the public debt. To have forgotten this fact, such a Peyrelevade, a fire or Raymond Barre, Benoît Hamon merit, if not a dunce cap, at least that shoots him (a little) his ears.

Benoît Hamon is it silly? (2 / 3)

must now reconsider the merits of the argument. In a recession, if one wants to make the recovery, there is no alternative but to inject money, and it's called the budget deficit. Even the IS-LM model, which is to Keynes what military music is to music and academics to gourmet restaurants, shows (5). That a leader of the PS aspiring to the highest office should know.

can certainly still quibbling over how funds are distributed, finding that it was too many gifts to the rich (that's right), which are not exercising enough control over firms who will benefit from state subsidies (it is also true ...) and that the stimulus is probably not effective enough (it's still true). In short, the themes on which to criticize the government and the President are not lacking. We might also remember that our president had committed to the release mortgages, which has seen success in the U.S. with the subprime. We may terminate its management by the discourse of crisis, its effects ad never followed by transformation into real and concrete measures, its ability to present as a breakthrough micro-measures.

But the attack on budgetary drift while we are in crisis and this crisis will last is simply irresponsible. What threatens France and Europe today is deflation, not the deficit. Wanting to sing the anthem is to prepare the rods with which we will fight once in power. Because our fathers apprentices rigor of the PS will always find more to the right and still more rigorous than they.

The reason it takes is a simple budget deficit. On the one hand, and we said, we must inject money into the economy and at a time when the effects of the liquidity crisis are not fully overcome. In the field of SME / SMIs, the number of bankruptcies is already increasing (6) and social plans to be announced this fall may have a disastrous effect.

On the other hand, only the state can invest in such a situation and that while the overall investment is paralyzed. France has lagged behind in this field between other things through the fault of Europe gradually imposing its deregulation in public services (7). The period would be given to a major development plan based on transportation revitalization of the station. It can be said in the energy field, where they will understand - but a little late - that the logic of "decoupling" between producers and transport networks, which has been implemented to enforce competition will lead us to choices that are both Malthusian (so that the "blackout" repeat (8)) and ecologically unsustainable (9).

One thing that we can criticize the government's recovery plan is not to focus on public investment - the sums involved are paltry - and not have required the Commission in Brussels for a moratorium on the implementation guidelines for the competition. There was a battle that made sense and would have prepared public opinion for another policy. But perhaps it is this what we want to avoid?

short, it is clear that Benoit Hamon said something he regretted, and which also reflected his thinking probably not. For this we may well take him (a little) ... ears

Benoît Hamon is it silly? (3 / 3)

This brings us to what seems to have become the strategy of the PS. Whatever happens, it is the fault of Sarkozy and the government. It's raining? Sarko's fault! It's too hot? Sarko's fault!

Make no mistake about it on my comments. There is plenty to criticize in the policies of Sarkozy and the government. I said and I repeat. Particularly in its management the crisis in its policy of holding bombastic speeches and do nothing or to do the opposite later. We must also blame him for everything back to him and for having by his ego, undermined institutions. As for the policy of François Fillon before the outbreak of the acute phase of the crisis, it could be similar to that of Pierre Laval in the same circumstances. In seeking to weaken the social protection system in the country, he actually made the crisis more severe when it went off. Many of the measures taken in an emergency are also very questionable. Thus the "scrapping" which undoubtedly gives good results immediately, is nothing but a measure now advances a consumption which was scheduled for tomorrow. But the total consumption as it is distributed over time remains unchanged (10).

short, there's plenty articulate a real leftist critic against the government and against our President. But keep this speech "is to blame Sarko" on anything and everything will pose a formidable problem of consistency to his opponents.

They can not even understand what keeps a sense Sarkozy in power, in addition to course institutions is the inconsistency and therefore lack of credibility of the opposition. This is not marrying for a moment the discourse of discipline, even the next day to snap back to basics with a more traditional discourse, the PS out of its credibility problem.

must also understand that this problem is intrinsic to ALL social democratic parties have made their liberal turn. The SPD has paid heavily in the recent elections in Germany, not only in favor of the Left Party, which rose from 7% to 13%, but also, and more serious for the entire German left, abstention in favor of a major that allowed the right to form a majority. It is the policy of the SPD, which in his sickening own constituents, led to the victory of Angela Merkel and Liberal.

Which brings us back to the strategic problem of the PS and that of Benoit Hamon. Quite on France 2

"France is ruined" (which he repeated three times) he has forgotten the following things:

1 - That France does is no more ruined than other countries in Europe, I showed at the beginning of this text.

2 - That the ruin of France, it is a tax policy driven by the absence (sustainability) of European compromise in the matter, a situation that exposes us to be toys fiscal policies of other countries, determined to make their tax competition watchword. In the absence of protectionist barriers against their country, we have no real ability to manage our tax system.

3 - That which ruined France, deindustrialization is primarily induced by the introduction of competition based on " least cost "between economies where the cost of training is done on very different, but where productivity converges with ours, through foreign investment (11). It is to fight against this phenomenon that we have in our first zero-rated companies and then a second time we have funded these enterprises (for reimbursement of payroll), in ultimately arriving at mas not halt the process to stop. Protectionist measures are only able to reverse this situation, what Benoit Hamon well knows, since he was in favor of these measures (12).

4 - That the ruin of France is, finally, a policy of financial nature of the economy that has submitted all of our activities to the law of the profits in the financial markets . Not only is this political ruin France, but it kills the workers, as shown by rising health care costs directly related to job strain "and as evidenced by the suicide France-Telecom. Note here that the PS, and Benoît Hamon, would have been better advised if they had filed a complaint

"endangering the lives of others"
against the CEO of this company.

These are the first political scapegoat for the ills that we know. The responsibility is shared, however, between the right and the PS, and this is probably why Benoit Hamon unable or unwilling, to keep the discourse of truth. Let us recall the disastrous policy of Jacques Delors, the then Minister of Finance François Mitterrand, followed by equally disastrous policy of Pierre Beregovoy always as Minister of Finance (peace to his ashes ...) and finally the policy of the Jospin government from 1997 2002. If there is one lesson from this story is that the left when it pursues a policy of right always ends up making the bed of the latter.

In fact, Benoît Hamon is not stupid. As spokesman of a party that has abdicated any claim to change our society, it is obliged to give the lowest demagoguery, the risk of making his own speech - the one he holds as head of the current A World Advance - completely unintelligible and inaudible. Benoît Hamon of the UMA does happen to forget what Benoît Hamon, spokesman for the Socialist Party, said? Nothing is less certain. Consistency is a key strength in politics, what we have known for ages. To have forgotten this lesson, Benoît Hamon is well worth it pulls (some) ears.

How to get out?

That said, the public debt problem well its repayment. Certainly not catastrophic in terms that we are present, Benoît Hamon to others. But it is clear that this debt is the problem of the risk of deflation, and therefore an entry in a long-term depression.

Here we must ask a question far more important than those raised by the spokesman of the PS: why the European Central Bank lends Does 1% to banks while the government has to borrow at 3.51%?

This is a scandal that is far more serious than the budget for 2010. Why the ECB does she not admit the effort made by governments to maintain activity, and she does not give them the same privileges as the banks, which are anyway, should not forget it, those responsible for the crisis in which we are immersed?

course we know the answer: the status of the ECB. This obliges the latter to fight against inflation.

Except that the financing of part of public debt by the Central Bank does not necessarily cause inflation. We know the history of Germany in 1923-24, but we forget that the German Central Bank was to finance further debt accumulated a budget deficit exceeding 30% and linked to state funding of the strike General in the Ruhr to protest against the occupation by Belgian troops, French and Italian. One could multiply examples and we would find that the hyper-inflations have each time been triggered by a severe external shock (the occupation of the Ruhr, funding for a hunter in the case of Israel, etc..). In addition, we are now much more threatened by deflation than inflation.

Under these conditions, and if we were in a world, if not perfect, at least composed of reasonable people, we could have a decision by the ECB to pay 1% or even 0%, the portion of the deficit that is (a) directly related to the crisis (the result of decreases in tax collection and recovery plans) and (b) which concerns the efforts investment made by states. This would not cover current expenses. These conditions are generalized to the second part of the deficit mentioned here, and would be restricted by cons to the duration of the crisis for the first part.

Therefore, funding for necessary action at the exit of the crisis could take place without exerting a constraint on future growth and would end the current overvaluation of the euro is so expensive that the French economy (13).

But, we know we're not in a world populated reasonable people. Past experience proves, alas, were sacrificed growth to a certain conception of the Euro zone (14). You have to remember how to ensure the triumph of reason.

One solution would be to threaten to leave the eurozone. This threat is not taken lightly by our partners, especially if accompanied by preparatory measures making possible such an output. Germany, to mention that she can not see without fear of France out of the Euro area and devalue its currency by about 20% to 25%. The impact on German foreign trade would be immediate. This should logically we avoid to resort to this extreme, and one might think that a compromise is possible on the status of the ECB.

However, this compromise will be possible only if our partners are truly convinced of our determination to leave the eurozone. So should you seriously consider this solution, even if only to avoid having to implement it.

The output of the eurozone poses are really three issues: a technical problem (printing new notes), a monetary problem (whatever the exchange rate and what convertibility), finally the problem of accumulated debt. These are serious problems, but not insoluble.

The first problem, the printing of new notes, can be resolved within six months. This is also the time that the French government should focus its negotiating partners.

The second problem is the exchange rate. It is clear that output in the euro zone must be accompanied by a devaluation of 20% to 25% to be effective. The first thing to do is to immediately reintroduce exchange controls and capital, including from the announcement of the time we give to our partners. This measure will convince them otherwise the seriousness of our commitment. If an agreement can be reached before the expiry of 6 months, what I want, it is clear that these measures will be lifted. Otherwise, they are to be maintained to stabilize the franc during both the downside and upside. For some of them, a gradual relaxation is conceivable (primarily for measures concerning the possible exchange relating to business transactions). Finally recall that the development of the practice of credit cards will
Exchange Control much more efficient than it was before. A related problem is the transformation of the bank accounts of the euro in France. We can suggest that this transformation takes place at different rates depending on the amounts. For example, if we start from the assumption that a franc worth 0.8 Euro (20% devaluation from the Euro or 25% from the new course Franc), we could have a transformation on the using a coefficient of 1.25 (or 1.25 to 1 Euro Franc) A and booklets for all popular savings accounts to the tune of 50,000 Euros. The rate could then move gradually from 1.25 to 1 for other accounts and the higher bands. Of course, this applies only to persons residing in France and, under certain conditions that remain to be determined, the French non-residents. For all residents by cons, their debt will be converted into France during 1 to 1. Thus establishing a difference between the treatment of deposits and debt will help to alleviate the debt of the poorest households are exposed and contribute to their solvency.

leaves the third problem, that of debt, which is by far the most difficult. Our debt is now denominated in euros. It can therefore only increase about the devaluation of our GDP calculated by the Franks. The solution here lies in the redemption of this debt successive annual installments, by issuing new debt in francs or in a partial default. The first of these solutions is hoped, to the extent a failure, even partial, would condemn us for some time to renounce foreign financial markets. However, since the convertibility of the franc would be limited to commercial transactions, such a renunciation would probably have less impact than you can imagine. Note that for new deficits, the rules explained above apply, and it would not issue to finance, without exception due to a particularly bad economic conditions, operating deficits through Central Bank (which would be returned to the Bank of France). This would also have the effect of requiring the State in presenting its budget to carefully distinguish what is the operation of which is investment.

There is no doubt that out of the Euro would be a difficult operation, but it is far from impossible. It would be better not to have to do it, but this remains largely suspended the decision of our partners. Provide the most bad scenarios is therefore a realistic policy. Not that one wants that outcome, but it is considered possible.

It should be noted here that if, God forbid, we had to leave the Eurozone, while the devaluation of 25% is recommended that we could afford to abandon, at least temporarily, to the adoption of a protectionist system vis-à-vis other countries in the European Union. The problem arises however still to countries outside the zone.

One can certainly argue that it would have undermined what happens in the eyes of some for longer great victory of François Mitterrand's second seven. To that one can answer that only fools who fetishize a symbol, and it is far more important to ensure the prosperity of France than clinging to a symbol. As far as I know Benoît Hamon is not a fool.

Associated Press, 29/09/2009.

(2) Agoravox
, September 30, 2009, interview with Benoît Hamon.

(3) And we shall recall here only part of the public debt of the Länder is not consolidated with the public debt Germany, the United States has extended the state guarantee for various financial firms whose debt represents about 15% of GDP in Britain's local government debt is not consolidated public debt etc ...

(4) And here, the author of this text Pleads Guilty in early 1980, helped to teach this model to students in 2nd year economics, knowing well that was very far from representing the reasoning of Keynes. But he also argues the mitigating circumstances. The professor called as Dominique Strauss-Kahn.

The Tribune, September 29, 2009.

(6) A useful on the effects of the European competition in the insurance field D. Scalera and A. Zazzaro, "The Unpleasant

Effects of Price Deregulation in the European Third-Party Motor Insurance Market: A Theoretical Framework" , The BE Journal of Economic Analysis & Policy , vol. 7 (2007): Issue I (Contributions), Article 50 . This section may well apply to the utilities sector. (7) S. Borenstein, "The trouble with electricity markets: Understanding California's restructuring disaster »

Journal of Economic Perspective , vol. 16, n°1/2002, pp. 191-211. (8) J. Percebois et P. Wright, « Electricity consumers under the state and the private sector: comparing price performance of the French and UK electricity industries, 1990-2000 »

Utilities Policy , n°10/2001, pp. 167-179. (9) Ce que l'on appelle la consommation inter-temporelle.

(10) P. Artus, « Quels risques pèsent sur les salaries européens ? »

Flash-Economie No. 2006-153, April 11, 2006, IXIS, Paris. See also P. Artus, "Why trade openness seems to be unfavorable in some cases? ", lyrics Economics No. 2004-53, February 17, 2004, CDC-IXIS, Paris. (11) See interview in Agoravox of 30/09/2009.

(12) F. Cachia, "The effects of the appreciation of the Euro on the French economy"
, in

Note Synthesis INSEE, INSEE, Paris, June 20, 2008. (13) J. Bibow, "Global Imbalances, Bretton Woods II, and Euroland's Role in All This "in J.
Bibow and A. Terzi (eds.),

Euroland and the World Economy: Global Player or Global Drag? , New York (NY), Palgrave Macmillan, 2007.

Destiny and turbulence - Madrid.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Synergeyes Multifocal Reviews

Clearstream Pérol, Lahoud, ministers and other invited themselves to the menu. Have they eaten De Villepin?

Nothing is clear in this case, it is perhaps the expense of Imad Lahoud. The president is working night and day and the G20 does not bother with trivialities such as the presumption of innocence or the "butcher's hooks" to which he wants to hang his enemies. Without doubt he has chosen to be above the fray, too busy giving lessons to B. Obama knew siege united nations. Its pathetic way of engaging the president of the united states in this forum, something that probably cost him more than once twisted from the U.S. administration. Bush's advisers did not like according to the latest rumors.

When Lahoud attended Pérol, former deputy director of the firm
Sarkozy (20 minutes)
REVELATIONS - A report submitted in 2008 to judges investigating the Clearstream affair claims the alleged forger also had relationships with current ministers ...
Who handled that? This is a question more than ever the focus of the trial proceedings Clearstream. A four-page report issued in 2008 to judges investigating the case, and revealed Saturday by the Journal du Dimanche, shows Imad Lahoud, who is suspected of falsifying the Clearstream files, dating in 2004 and 2005 the former Secretary General of the Elysee Perol and present members of the government and Nathalie Kosciusko-Morizet Eric Woerth.

According to the report, officers of the Division of Financial Investigations (Dnif) identified the hospitality and catering Imad Lahoud reimbursed by his former employer, EADS, in 2004 and 2005, totaling close to 16,000 euros, according to several sources familiar with the matter.

>> Find all our articles about the Clearstream case here

As revealed during the trial by counsel Dominique de Villepin, Imad Lahoud and lunched with fifteen times Perol, who was then deputy director of cabinet of Nicolas Sarkozy, then economy minister.

In Defense of Dominique de Villepin,
these meetings might as well show that is Nicolas Sarkozy who has used the case against former Prime Minister, not the reverse.

Okay introduced
Imad Lahoud would also, according to police, organized February 25, 2004, just weeks before sending fake listings to justice, a reception attended by Perol Gilles Grapinet, Councillor Jean -Pierre Raffarin at Matignon and brother of Dominique de Villepin, Michel Piloquet.

Later, we learn that May 5, 2005, is the current budget minister Eric Woerth, that invites Imad Lahoud, whose wife, Anne-Gabrielle Heilbronner, then directs the firm. Similarly, the current Secretary of State for the Digital Economy, Nathalie Kosciusko-Morizet, shared twice with her husband at the time an executive at EADS, the table of Imad Lahoud.

The report finally reveals that the alleged forger also lunched with Bernard Casanova, then close to Bernard Squarcini, the current head of the Central Directorate of Internal Intelligence (DCRI) and Brigitte Henry, who was then working with the Central Intelligence Director General (CDSR), Yves Bertrand.

NB with agency

Destiny and turbulence - Madrid.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Philco Pas1028 Operating Instructions

Nicolas Sarkozy and Justice party, or how the mask is dropped.

is taken as is, it is no need to add more. go, if we add a little, because this is obviously not a slip, Nicolas Sarkozy is vindictive ... the president does is maybe not him. But that dominates Dr. Jekyll or Mr. Hyde? It is certain that the function does not the man in this case, both in substance and in form we are in a sad time in what should be a place above the melee.

The judge's impartiality
(for your culture)
And Nicolas Sarkozy skidded
(Pascale Robert-Diard, columnist judicial World)
From New York, where he is live on TF1 and France 2, Nicolas Sarkozy was asked about the Clearstream affair and attacks against him by Dominique de Villepin. He replied: "after a lengthy investigation, two independent judges felt that
perpetrators should be referred to the criminal court ...
The sentence is immediately transmitted to Mr. Olivier Metzner, a lawyer Dominique de Villepin that interrupts the hearing and read the statement. The word "guilty", Mr Sarkozy's lawyer, Thierry Herzog Me, marks the spot. The entire room is suspended following the remarks of Mr. Metzner.
He continues: "That is the respect of your court? your floor? That a president gives to France as a show of justice? The presumption of innocence is a fundamental right. And President of the Republic violates live before millions of French! We already wanted to hang Dominique de Villepin to "fangs". Now they say already guilty! ".

Mr. Herzog does not believe his ears, and seeks at all costs to verify the connection, the phone hanged. He hesitated to respond, then fails.

outdoors Metzner announced to Me cameras that he will file a complaint against Nicolas Sarkozy for the presumption of innocence.

Destiny and turbulence - Madrid.

Monday, September 21, 2009

How Do You Know You Have Have Ball Cancer

Case de Villepin. The function does not the man or the president that the function does not grow.

President, so that the hooks of butchers, one whose sense of the state, the grandeur of France passes a second plane when its cold vengeance comes before everything. The merits of the case is irrelevant in the end, we of fact in a schoolyard with a desire to see blood splattering the walls, there can be other reasons for this comedy!
Regardless of the course of this trial, and yet with Nicolas Sarkozy, Dominique de Villepin will remain in the memories of many who opposed Bush and his murderous madness, no doubt one more thing that does this president be liable that the function does not grow.

The endless inventory of appearing or not, gives us an idea of the show that Nicolas Sarkozy offers to the world, this same world he wants to give driving lessons at the G20 summit.

A president of the republic,
    A former British prime minister,
  • Another former prime minister,
  • Two or three ministers and former ministers,
  • Sercices The elite of the French secret
  • Part of EADS , una
  • Surely part of Thales,
  • Journalists,
  • underlings,
  • bankers I guess
  • This case leaves us who unleashed the PS and its stories as childish. God! (And I'm atheist), the right may no longer be the dumbest in the world, but also can offer us his live suicide. What will France do not UMP, without PS after their two suicides live.

De Villepin when he arrived at the courthouse in Paris:

"I am here by the will of a man. I am here by the relentlessness of a man, Nicolas Sarkozy, who is also president of the French Republic. I leave it free and milled on behalf of the French people, "said Mr. de Villepin when he arrived at the courthouse.

Jaws clenched, looking solemn, former Prime Minister added: "Some would believe that no country in our political process. I also believe, and yet here we are in 2009 and we are in France. "

Destiny and turbulence - Madrid.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Car Trailer Legislation Ontario

Hortefeux wins points for its early retirement

I was not so hot to me too after seeing the video, not clear enough. But after reading the transcript, and given the context, there is hardly any doubt and I would even say "this funny cartoon Umps. As for Jean Francois Cope, said he leaves, right?
What Hortefeux really said

LEMONDE.FR (BH): I am JFC Auvergne: Auvergne It is a tragedy is a drama BH: ... Anyway, I'll make an exception. Young activist

(Amin), but I put myself between the two

BH: that between the two.
JFC: yes ... there is no problem.

Participants: Amine, Amine ... One participant
: Ah, Amin is the integration, it is integration. A participant
: Amine, frankly ...
Hortefeux: "It is much bigger than us and more [about the young man].
Another participant: "He, he speaks Arabic."

(Laughter from the meeting)

Jean-Francois Cope: "Do not be fooled, these are socialist infiltrators".
One participant: "He is Catholic, he eats pork and drinks beer."
Hortefeux: "Ah but it does not, then it does not correspond at all to the prototype, then. It's not that at all."

(laughter of the assembly)

A participant: It's our little Arabic.
Hortefeux: "Well, fine. It is always one. When there is one, that's fine. It's when there are many problems there. Come on, good luck ..."

Destiny and turbulence - Madrid.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Watch South Park Online For Itouch

My prmeras translations. Spanish - Español


Descubra you secreto, me costo una
soon be a sin parpadeos
cuarto de luna creciente .
Revolve dos palabras sad nostalgia con
jarabe para la tos y después
vacié sobre esta hoja y
herve very durante mañana.

By Ometeotl Hernández Angeles


I discovered your secret.
I took a night without a wink and
quarter of the waxing moon. I have two words stirred
sad to
seasoned with nostalgia
and cons cough syrup
after I dumped on this page
and boiled for three mornings. __________________________________________________________________


Cuando te
knew I decided to save three hours of marbles to give you
but I lost a very clever child.

wanted to give you my heart but I forgot the shirt yesterday. I wanted to give you a dragonfly
schooled but my litmus
crushed origami rhino,
finally I thought of this poem
attended a crash course in poetry for dummies
but I failed. Now I do not find
give you. Par

Angeles Hernández LE CADEAU

Quand je t'ai
rencontre ... Garder
decides j'ai trois heures pour
t'offrir Billes.
But a very smart child has won me.
I wanted to offer you my heart,
but I forgot it in the shirt yesterday.
I wanted to offer you a dragonfly sunflower derived
but my origami rhinoceros was crushed.
Finally, I thought of this poem.
I attended a poetry course for dummies but
I failed.
Now, I do not know what to offer you.

* Translated by Selene Zepeda
* traducidos Textos por Selene Zepeda

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

How To Get Synyster Gates Hair

De la fenêtre

She was on deck, gazing at this huge city that man had built for years. Suddenly, from nowhere, she began to fall, driven with great force, she tried to talk to people passing through, but no one paid any attention. People passed, like extras from a painting, a painting of the 50s. All in sepia, dresses huge, big hats, and cars not as modern but very elegant. Tsuki continued to fall desperately, tears beginning to emerge, bringing with them a sense of something that for a moment might have been true and beautiful. At last she woke, her heart beat a little strong and for a moment she felt that the air it breathing was not enough. She got a little dizzy, she looked at herself in the mirror, she covered her face calmly, and then she wondered how she would when she was old. Tsuki was a girl who thought he was special, every day, she looked at herself in the mirror and seeing his eyes widen, she knew she was like no other. She was very curious when she went out into the street, she imagined that the air gave life to every pore of his skin, she just lived it and so she felt that her youth was running under his skin. But what was it really different? Well, she did not speak with other young people but preferred to be alone with his letters, lectures, etc.. She was happy reading the fables of La Fontaine of this strange old who was blind and crying all day without anyone noticing, the story of the Duchess of Bathory who killed just for beautiful girls pleasure. Being left alone at home, she 's locked in the bathroom to feel one of these girls as the Duchess of Bathory tortured slowly with glowing irons. Then she lighted a candle and placed it directly in the flame a range that would be the instrument of torture for that night. But before immolation, she heard noises outside, She opened the window and she lives right next to her room her neighbor doing it exactly the same ritual. That night, she went to bed without having been tortured, that night, the feeling of being special had disappeared. The next day she woke up, she wanted to imagine themselves in another world. That day, she wanted to do different things. She got up, she left her room as it is, it did not move anything, do not store anything, it 's just dressed to go out, she descended the stairs and on the top step, she made a sudden movement as if she had forgotten something thing. However, she did not return because she could not wait any longer to exit. When she left home, she thought to go through a forest that was near his house and that people feared. Tsuki no fears, so she felt she was unique, but given what happened the previous night, she began to doubt, even if his curiosity was too strong to stay at home without what could be the result of this output in the forest. The girl had given up thinking, she entered the forest and his imagination began to weave a new story. She felt wild, a ghost princess raised by wolves. She imagined a war between the gods of the forest and civilization of invaders. It was a war between nature and man, who wanted to conquer and destroy the power of the world. Now, the action takes place in medieval villages, separated by thousands of kilometers. Tsuki struggle to convince both sides to seek a peaceful solution and to find a way to coexist. Suddenly, the girl desperately short, nothing has meaning, it is difficult to focus on reality. The forest does not seem so fantastic, it became dark and sinister. However, it is still to imagine stories, adventures, dreams or nightmares, which in the end, all become real. All this seems wonderful imagination but Tsuki can not control these pictures at some point become indescribable reflection of abnormal things. Tsuki came home a little disturbed by the fact of thinking that his entire reality was about to lose his footing. She decides to take a shower to calm down, she climbs the stairs, she opened the door of the bathroom faucet and the water felt on her hands and her arms, she takes a towel, trying to forget all these stories that disturb his conscience, worrying over every minute. Tsuki sets in the bathtub, she closed her eyes and just listen to the rest empty. It was eleven o'clock when the door closes. Then a deep silence fell out of nothing. everything is transformed into a series of movements inside. The walls are full of pictures that play different flavors. Landscape of the dining room, he leaves a scent of dried flowers and grass. From the kitchen you can smell a meal freshly prepared. But the smell is the most powerful is that of the sea Through the air impregnated with salt, Tsuki dream she hiking paths on air, she is walking on smooth stones and into a sea of ice. When it makes account, water covers the whole and can not breathe. Gradually, Tsuki fall in the water, his body disappears, and finally it moves away from this place ... of this world.

Friday, March 20, 2009

What Is Brazilian Wax Uncensored

Tsuki Albert Camus & Juan Jose Arreola

The existencialisme is a philosophical and literary movement belongs to the nineteenth to the twentieth century. So we can find elements of existencialisme in the thought of Socrates, or in the works of several philosophers and écrivans premodern. Sometimes this term can not be defined with precision. The existencialisme highlights a specific point on the individual existence and therefore, in subjectivity, freedom and conflict to take decision.

I'll make a little comment and a comparison of two small accounts écrivans existencialistes well known. The Algerian Albert Camus's famous foreigner and the Mexican Juan José Arreola with Bestiary.

My goal with this record it can show a sense of existencialisme from the comparison conditions of these two novels, one can say that it'll be a little analysis on existencialisme Modern with the help of these two books.

I will begin to define the meaning existencialiste the novel The Stranger Albert Camus. It describes very detailed the lack of values in the contemporary world because of the frustration and despair after the war in Europe. Meurseul, the main actor reflects a philosophy very absurd and disillusionment about life. Boredom and the everyday person make it an insensitive, and too much indiférente almost ruthless individuals, either one way or another, it was always the same. However, in the novel, it shows very high quality of the divine and human brotherhood. In my opinion, this novel shows us a profound reflection on the importance of finding the true meaning of life. Despite the everyday, the absurd and life without meaning, we must never allow these obstacles dominate us. People were created to be free and with that freedom can be dropped.

Camus's work shows a society that is different to the feelings. Shows fear to recognize that the blood is on the feeling of being scared.

<<> 1 >>.

It shows a side in which the protagonist of this story is a ruthless individual, rather than crying for the death of his mother, he takes the situation as if it actually does 'm not very important. This is a much more postmodern, individualistic. It is the fear of facing reality and some times it changes it for existencialisme, to ask for what life is like that waste time without experiencing a real answer. The deaths of the mother from Meursault, was a depressing event, but to him it was onlya a formality to attend the funeral.

Now, a foreigner in a world where supposedly there is no space for the individual, will have consequences throughout the life of man. We arrive at the lack of a goal, a meaning in life, it takes a lot indiférente and little strength to fight por life. There is a very clear message in the story narrated by the protagonist (Camus) in first person singular. Degradation by a resigned humanity. Own negative attitudes of the time that takes a lot of Europeans are throwing arms of pessimism. You can feel a cold, cruel world without meaning. Camus did not believe in God or in life after death. That's why he interprets life as absurd and without hope. It considers human existence as the monotony without any reasoning on the idea that man is capable of creating a difference in his entourage.

On the other hand, a bestiary is a book that brings the Middle Ages Brief descriptions of real and imaginary animals, and an accompanying explanation. These works reflected the belief that the world is the book to be what we want, and anything can find an explanation. Juan Jose Arreola

this Bestiary, a book that alludes to the animals. From my perspective, Juan Jose Arreola is an objective description and record of those he loves. In addition, the author makes a comparison with the human personalities of animal behavior. They desgin personalities ranging from reality to fiction. Each story is written in the third person singular, except for some who are in the first person pliriel <<>>, it indicates or points out that the person who speaks or says the drama is for certain animal species mentioned. However, the third returns still representing the beginning of an idea that goes from subjectivity to objectivity. Arreola is a description of animals as if they were human beings. Almost all the stories are bedridden for the dead, or whether the animal or human, they are intended for their dead irrémisible Propro nature. There are other texts in the novel that relationship with sexuality. Sexuality has to do with the life and death. So these are very descriptios objective because the author, when he talks about each animal, he describes in the flood characteristics or qualities of each one of them.

Arreola mixing reality with fantasy, the natural with the mythical. In this story there is a correlation between animal and man which we ennoble what is the animal side and it degrades the human aspect. In this way, the monkey restrains to be a man, female insects, these are fatal females who behead their suitors before reaching the copula. In the end, was the hyena that has a wild behavior, violence, necrophilia and cowardly. The Mitologie, science, history and literature have little place in this novel he shows a great culture in the author. Nevertheless, it is evident the presence of many more aspects, for example: the ironic poetics, criticism of contemporary man and concern for the extermination of the animal world.

Currently, man depends on customs, its defects. The thought of the man departs the irony and humor order to express the true meaning of its existence as the monkeys they have not fallen on reasoning and they continue to paradise: caricaturescos, obscene, and free in their own way. The appearance dl'animal simbol and the relationship he has with certain rituals or Practical Magic.

I think that between these two authors there is a similarity with respect to what is the existencialisme. This is so absurd that the momentum built by the people at the moment in which it comes to expressing feelings or needs to know, or start asking for the existence of life. But the absurd we saw in relation to the revolt. Ie, that man comes at a time he needs to express his rebellion, deepening the real fact that life does not live in greater freedom.

There are two different novels in the sense of history, but at the same time, they are very similar in the sense when it comes to give an explanation of our existence, the reason for the necessity of freedom and why the indifference to the feelings between human beings. These two novels show an advance of time. They represent the total of lost innocence of today's society. Much of the world is witnessing the atrocities that still occur. Fatigue makes us accept life as it is given without tell questionemments.

It remains clear to me that Your Mine novels are one of the best that exist on the Literatures existencialisme. This case was an advance for my knowledges. I'm very glad I made this theme for the record because I have taken a very important decission on the thesis. On the other hand, I made this theme because always, I identify with existencialisme, Postmodernism and individualism, so that's why I enjoy doing what little work.

In my opinion, we must take into account that it is very important to identify with the theme. It's easier to work in a fluid.

This file is a job that I want to inspire that has the opportunity to read it to form an opinion that is. Also, can serve as a tool to learn about the existencialisme.

Real Hidden Knife Blueprints

Vivre pleinement: où est-il possible? Streaming

Trying to live in town, is a question of adaptation of each human being. This has advantages and disadvantages at the same time. It seems important that we analyze these situations because it appears to many to be something very unremarkable. In addition, it is a very tempting idea to live in a big city, and there are many people who prefer this type of life. In my opinion, living in a city whose movement is responsive permanently, it can be exhausting and stressful noise Constant cars, the hectic life, environmental pollution and a terrible depression may be disadvantages.

On the other hand, some advantages of living in the city resident in the concentration of the major services we need is to say the movement in some institutions is shorter if you live in a city / district / area that has all the services as a cinema, supermarket, shops, restaurants, among other things. Without doubt, for me these "benefits" are things so superficial and not really necessary. Therefore, I think we found a greater number of reasons not to live in big cities. We can adapt, yes, but I feel we must go through a process more painful than if you live in the countryside or in another place a little quieter. Bernard-Henri says that living in a city means being free, ie, why live in the countryside if you can live freely in the city. I dare say that I am not quite agree with this view, since human beings can adapt to any environment as needed. The vision of each person is different, you can feel the freedom anywhere according to our needs. I can say that it is impossible to live in the city because I am aware that I do not like big cities, but that is my point of view. The city is not made for me when I travel to Mexico, I feel tired, anxious, I'm not at my place, I see very little. Once I finish my studies, I decided to leave quickly Xalapa. Although I mind my city, I think to visit from time to time, but I would like my life is going on in a quieter area, where the madness does not reign stress.

Finally I understand the desire to belong to such places, filled with skyscrapers, yet I sometimes feel that life is promised that there will not be satisfactory. However, life can live it as is preferred, it is a right or a free decision. The idea is to feel completely full and happy to live in place that will allow us to live quietly. The place of our dreams.