Once, a taxi driver, entrusted to seek out a group of foreigners, including which I, for one event at a TV channel. We stayed in a central location in the city where there were tourists from around the world, people of all kinds. A point well known to stay.
The group was made by a friend of mine from India, a Pakistani boy, an African ... We waited a long time, but it appeared the driver. Women of production, the channel in question, he kept calling us to give our exact location, because the poor taxi driver was going around and we found ... But given the location that would give the taxi driver did not see us. We were in the same place as him, but not see us. We put in a highly visible and nothing. Until the end, gave to us your description and saw him right away. When we said we were, looked puzzled and said "I had seen you before but I said it was a group of" foreigners. " "
He went to all the groups of French, Germans and others and asked them " Is it you ...? " and told him no. It did not occur close to us. For him, as for many people, a people group with African or Indian or Pakistani was a group of immigrants, not foreigners.
In social reality, the labels for the changing of the country are split in two. The "immigrant" and "foreign." The immigrant is a foreigner who comes to stay. Every immigrant is a foreigner but not all foreigners are immigrants.
But is a French immigrant who comes to live in Spain? Is it a Guinean foreign tourist who is in Germany? Not really. In fact the social reality has made its own definition of these terms as simple and reduced to the personal status of each. The terms are awarded based on place of origin, which varies from country. Foreigners are coming from the European Union whether or not tourism and immigrants are coming from countries struggling economy, those who sometimes are cataloged in "underdeveloped countries." Class definitions, which are based on the information endless poverty that broadcast media and the image they give of those coming from southern countries.
is an immigrant from Senegal, Cameroon, Guinea, Mali's, the Togolese, Ecuadorian, Peruvian, Colombian, Moroccan and foreign ... French, English, German, American ... We have reached such levels that the thing even sometimes, it is not race but the penalty given by each one. The immigrant gives more trouble than abroad.
Unconsciously, we classify and label. The word "immigrant" has now become so negative that comes out of the mouths and insult which, perversely and contemptuous. And it distinguishes graded, labeled, cataloged and offensive manner derogatory to the needs of the host country. Because if a black is rich, distinctive characters immediately acquires an "alien" as a title of an illustrious and noble nobleman Nobleman in question. Therefore Eto'o is not an immigrant, but it is any other Cameroonian not have a high standard of living.
The word "immigrant" has acquired pejorative connotations, although most of the immigrants with curved back working in the fields of crops, doing jobs that nobody wants to do, while they call foreign fun, each in his way: museums, tours, bleeding and revelry. Many very civil and polite, some not, but as in all sites. Vale that these foreigners from rich countries contribute to the economy as a English service exports, a positive factor for GDP. Vale! But is that immigrants from poor countries make efficient the English economy to produce and consume more, at low cost. But nevertheless, his position in GDP has more character import.
GDP. Imperfect indicator, Gross Domestic Product.
GDP = C + I + G + X - M
With C consumption, private investment I, G and government spending on goods and services, X exports and M imports.
But according to BAE, the dictionary of this blog, the GDP increase is the Welfare Plan.
GDP = C + onvivencia I nformation G + January + e X pressure - in M orality.
And many people think:
GDP = C + apital I ndividual G + + e Astar X foreigners - in M igrantes.
So goes the world. Nothing is gained with greed, individualism egocentric and neglecting some social groups. The real growth is based on good living, respectively, with generosity, immigrants, natives and foreigners, with real information, a society of free speech and lots of morality.
Plan Increase Welfare is what we want to be. But we have to change the definition as soon as we give up some other capacity.
"Immigrants and foreign? The important thing is not how we identify people, but as we see them.
Immigrant and abroad.
a social approach, it seems more important, and the other dark and sad. But those who look stop and enjoy gossip, slander, to defame and discredit. For among the German who comes to spend their money, and the Senegalese who works with his hands rough and tough and grueling schedule, there is only one difference. The contribution of one seems more important than the other. But at heart ...
... The moral merit is the same.
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