In a village in Dahomey, someone sang: "Vodounsi ɗʝa houn do gbɐ gbɛ. Min mɐn nɐn hwɛlɛ vɔvɔ nin yon. Nu ɛ wɐ wɛ Vodounsi ɖɛ ɔ, Hwɛssɔlin sɨ n dɛʝɨ nɨ do ... ", praying to the then King Houéssolin, to put a limit to Vodúnsi social.
In Dahomey there is a plurality of religions live in great harmony. Religion animism as ours and not imported, is a polytheism in which several Vodús coexist in the world without bumping against each other and in fraternity, ensuring the good of all. Animism is based on the belief that all living things, objects and natural elements have a soul, a life force, a mystical spirit, one God, a Voodoo. There are several: the Voodoo of thunder, Hêviosso, the Voodoo of the earth, Sakpata, the Voodoo of the water, Dan ... In animism, also prays to the spirits of the ancestors, together with the Vodús to work for the interests of the living. E
like in Christianity there is a hierarchy of priests and followers of animism is the same. The hierarchy of the cult of Voodoo, simplifying, passing through the Dahgbo Hounon, which is like a potato, Houngbonon it would be like a priest, and Vodúnsi, the initiated adepts. All, with a vast knowledge in herbalism, in herbal medicine, in time, in things of the earth ...
A Vodúnsi is an adept of voodoo. These fans are dedicated and respect all rules and all codes of each voodoo religious. In animism, be adept is sacred. It is sacred, more sacred and passes over the emotions. In animism, the sins take more forms of sin, but sin of truth and punished immediately. And just the way it takes more conscious awareness, and that oaths are much more real and signs with covenants of life. Agreements signed and sealed. Vodúnsi be no going back. When it is, it is forever. Most are women. Here I speak of women Vodúnsi.
Each Vodúnsi before you die you have to find a replacement. And so many are Vodúnsi inheritance. Many indigenous and can not have children, I ask the voodoo and promised him the child as Vodúnsi. Others are praying for a Voodoo cure the illness of his son, and promised to give the child as a voodoo adept when cured. Do not you going to believe, but many times or in all cases, the wish is granted by the Voodoo patiently waiting for parents to give the offspring to get you started on the long apprenticeship of Voodoo. Many times, people do not keep their promise, but like all gods, for Vodús, a pact is sacred, so that parents who prayed day and night to have a child could loss or illness to the above gives again miraculously cured samples, if the parents do not meet the covenant made with the Voodoo. Vodúnsi who want can be as long as is willing to meet the long road of learning to be become so i be ready to meet all it takes to be Vodúnsi. Sometimes even, it is the Voodoo one who chooses his follower.
The Voodoo is unforgiving when you do not respect the laws of coexistence, the laws of loyalty and non-violence, the laws of oaths. And they are generous when they see someone who respects the basic values of life.
At the beginning of their learning of worship, are detained in Vodúnsi a convent. The FA Houngbonon consultation, our geomancy, to know what the voodoo is born with the adept. Each of us, just having a horoscope has a Voodoo to which it relates and it has created. The detention lasts sometimes up to 8 months, during which they learn several different languages, languages which are attributed to the Vodús. Each Voodoo has a different language, different from all the dialects and languages of the country and surrounding countries, languages are not spoken anywhere else. Vodús languages. During the internment, they also learn the commandments of each Voodoo. The commandments of animism, are about as "vérité près "equal to that of the Bible must not take the name lightly Voodoo, Voodoo Day is holy has to honor fathers and mothers have not been to kill, or commit acts impure, not steal, or lie ... Insiders oath and swear in his life that comply with all laws of Voodoo.
laws, commandments, totems and taboos.
also learn all the ceremonies and dance steps, specific to each Voodoo and specific to each ceremony. Adherents are made scars on the face, twelve in the neck, five or six, in the arms, back, whole body, to show their status as initiates. Every scar has a meaning, just as each number of scars. There's more things going on in the convent, I do not know things, things that can not be known, things that can not be counted. E
as in the Catholic church, you change the name to baptize, to Vodúnsi, rename them, giving them a name of voodoo, a name animist different resonance indigenous names, sacred names can have only Vodunsi. No one but the initiated can carry this name. And anyone who does not be, or play that is called so, is desecrating the voodoo and the risk of being punished.
can only leave the convent at the end of your learning time. Not before. And when they leave, they do Vodúnsi dressed with beads and can not speak the local language, but only the new language of Voodoo for a while no matter what happens, but nobody understands.
The Vodús have many taboos. And there are a number of things you can not make the Vodúnsi, accounting directly to Voodoo. These things are based on well-being and living. In fact a Vodúnsi, it can not attack, physically or verbally. They can not be insulting. They themselves, so. To the followers of Hêviosso, no one can break a pitcher, because it is a manifestation of his Voodoo. You can not hit a Vodúnsi or break a piece of clothing that carries over. You can not take red-hot charcoal fire in a Vodúnsi and re-throw inside. You can not force the lock on the door of a Vodúnsi. Can not tell a Vodúnsi: "You're insane" mental abnormality or allege any respect for him. Can not call the Vodúnsi by his birth name since he resigned to take the name of the Voodoo, you can not speak the language of the Vodúnsi, if one is not. I can understand, but you can not speak ... and more. The
Vodúnsi should not have a guilty conscience or have concerns causes of violence. Tangent is prohibited at the expense of his life to fighting Vodúnsi. Why taboos are mandatory both for them and for others in the village. Everyone in town knows what things we can not make a Vodúnsi. If they skip the rules, to voodoo Vodúnsi arrives and enters his trance. Enter another world that does not recognize anything that is around you. To remedy, we must make sacrifices to voodoo by expensive ceremonies, sacrifices to that caused by the alteration of voodoo. Vodúnsi not anyone who does not meet these social requirements is paid, with expensive and lengthy ceremonies in their care. And if not, are hordes and hordes of fans from all Vodús even from other villages to destroy his house and force you to pay to end the suffering of one or Vodúnsi who are suffering in a trance. Sometimes, even ordinary people will pay to the culprit. Nobody wants to see a Vodúnsi suffering because they know that if nobody does anything, the Voodoo punishes all or only punishes the guilty. Thunder
The Voodoo punishes with lightning. The punished land voodoo spreading smallpox. Gou, iron Voodoo punishable bloody accidents ... Each Voodoo has its punishment is recognized immediately. Many are ruined
to repair an offense to a Voodoo and before this, either desist from insulting or embroiled in a fight with a Vodúnsi. The ceremonies are long and heavy for this attempt Vodúnsi and enforce laws and can not pick a fight because they run the risk of someone skip the rules. Voodoo
ideology is that everyone lives in harmony. The Vodúnsi can not fight or hold heated arguments with anyone, or anyone with them. If Vodús not fight, humans also might not. The Vodúnsi have to have restraint and not lose your temper in any situation, no matter what happens.
The fans know how to interpret signs of fate and voodoo are manifested by Azar causes for dreams or deja-vu's strange. The voodoo protects Vodúnsi, your children, your family and the people around her. There are several Vodúnsi. The names of each varies with the voodoo adept. There are Adansi, the Sogbossi, the Kpadesi, the Agbesi, the Ahoyi. A name for each form that has the flash of a decision. There are also followers of Aganma, the Anagonouvi ...
A Vodúnsi not a priestess. Being
Vodúnsi is to be like any other follower of any other religion. Only that animism is uncompromising respect for its laws, as are the gods punish those who deserve it and fill those who also deserve it. I lived very close the reality of a Vodúnsi. The Vodúnsi who bore me. All filled with scars that speak more than sixteen languages and is adept of voodoo Aganman; Vodúnsi deflected by inheritance, his name Windjoe.Yaïvi Vodunsi Windjoe, two names you can use, let alone one that had and with which anyone can call.
And I still remember one singer who sang the King of my people. "... That Vodúnsi stop doing what they do, and say the things they say ... For the price of an insult is an insult ... ..." he said, when some Vodúnsi, knowing that no one can touch, a little abused her power social. And his song had a melody so beautiful that even the memory through the mists of time. Being
Vodúnsi is hard. But it's always pleasant to believe in something and know that you have faith is there watching over you. But just ask my mother who is the Vodúnsi photo above. And the one below.
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