Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Fold Under The Bed Treadmill

last time, it was always better

Remember the original version of the film in 1965 Up , famous for Pixar remake released in 2009? If not, do not worry, do not remember because they never existed.

Since audiovisual became an entertainment industry in times of crisis, for when you run out of ideas and are not new stories, some creative bad taste does remakes; that are new and catastrophic releases of movies, series ... previously published. See Vanilla Sky (2001), Cameron Crowe, substitute Open Your Eyes (1997), Alexander Almenábar.

However, until Ivan Guerrero not appear "within the field, nobody had thought of the idea of premake . This (if it existed) would be a movie based on a modern film, but shot rather than the latter.

is not the same as telling it, to see *...

You can also delight with premakes of Star Wars. The Empire Strikes Back (1980), the 1950 version , Indiana Jones. In Search of the Lost Ark (1981), version 54 , Ghostbusters (1984), 54 version of Forrest Gump or (1994), version 49 , among others, what I think ... (Carrie Bradshaw style ) Will and invented all the images? "No idea we have, by staff who seem to us, is original? "Our job as visual creative works is to build new scraps of others? Is it art, philosophy, politics ... a Patchwork Quilt ? "Even if we accept the post-Modena and assume that everything is invented and our job is to adapt it to our attention, I will be able to buy other" Manolos "?

* If you replace live it is my tribute to Samanta Villar, 21 days ... giving per bag.


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