Friday, February 25, 2011

What Type Of Paint To Use On Jetski

From the people and for the people

The Cadiz Carnival jokes are internationally known ... the least known LGBT connotations.

In Andalusia is much talk of it since Boris Izaguirre you comment on the program Martian Chronicles, of that Telecinco fun and sensible, when he said that they were all gay Cádiz.

The comment I left on the video-ethyl with this dream with me, I wanted to make clear my desire (like yours, like everyone else) that our beloved comrade, Mariano Rajoy, tell the truth and listen to the people when deciding whether it is constitutional or not gay marriage ... Hopefully this "referendum" to work, not like the war in Iraq with Aznar, who already know how it was that struggle.

PS: the ad you posted before and left me a bit of pumice.


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