What am I going to deny? It is a fact. I Europeanized.
My soul, my mind, my values, my habits, everything has undergone a change, a mestizaje. I'm not the same as before, but my spirit and essence remain the same. I changed and it is true. I can not deny any more. I know you like it or not, my mind is no longer there, as neither is my way of thinking or seeing things, my perspective and my ideology.
I tried to stay strong with everything I've ever been but I'm not the same. I, while another. And so I created this blog to record things that are mine, not to forget, to not forget where I am and what things he did, what they saw, what they loved and others I liked. Because I am afraid that I deleted as I have erased many other things.
Many people accuse me of always speaking "white" and "black" and start all my sentences with "Well, in my country ..." or " us ...." say that I do with a rintintin, which suggests that the realities are better there than here. Not so at all!
How could I misjudge a reality in which I live? All sites have their good things and bad things. Behanzin up at the gates of land of the dead, praised the discipline of white troops decimated their own in a battle by killing his ardent amazons and his brave warriors. How I'm not going to appreciate this if right now is giving me SIEO to follow me? Of course I value las realidades europeas y me encantan las costumbres, las tradiciones y los hábitos. Para mí, las diferencias culturales se quedan en diferencias culturales. No se puede comparar cosas que son diferentes. Cuando se habla de culturas, o de costumbres, se puede dar constancia de las de un país y de las del otro. No se pueden comparar. Mi realidad es la que cojo como base. Es la que más conozco. Y si alguien no lo ve claro, pues es lo que hay.
¿Qué tengo que hacer? ¿ser menos sincera? ¿De qué me sirve un armario si está lleno de prendas que no me gustan? En mi armario, están mis prendas, mis favoritas, las que más me gustan, mi realidad de cada día, mi rutina y incluso prendas prestadas of the odd friend. Who has not borrowed clothes? If someone does not like, not moonlighting in my stuff. ITEM once again that my texts are caricatures, grotesque caricatures allow exceptions. I have no scientific basis for the things I say, because my tradition is oral. All the things I write are nothing absolute or irrefutable, even sometimes inconsistent. Everyone is free to believe or not. Or white is as white or black is so black. Look no further. The realities are different and none is better than another. If my country would be better, I would not be here, and if this was better, I never remember my land and try to publicize things about me, our things. Let's all modern
but then, when we hear a sequence followed by the word "white" and "black," she squeaks and it hurts the ear. What's wrong? What if black is not black and white, white? What has this to do with whether people are worse ones than the others? Is it bad to say "white" and "black"?
Besides, I'm in my second phase of immigration and now I have to talk about my country. Now I have to idealize everything I have there. Do not overestimate, but I served as reference only. When I speak of African countries, generalize because I believe in the "no borders." And when I say white and black, I do intend to say it does not matter really where we are and what skin color is nothing more than skin color. It is just a reference point for cultural differences. It is my vector and my common factor. It is my measure.
say they do not stop talking about the same. What do you want to talk? How paleontology? Yes! Cry. I do not know of paleontology. I can only speak from what I know, my country, me, my experiences. I know nothing else. I keep screaming. Each has its roots. And these are mine. And this is what you get.
say that I like a white. I'm a bit of anger but it will truth, because it would never have taken the initiative to create this blog and not be so honest at times, because I mind very much the "what say" I care as before. Also because my formerly be discouraged by obstacles.
say I'm white inside, black outside but sometimes I feel bad. I would love to remain the same as before, both inside and out. But like it or not, affects the reality in which we live and just as things change, we change too. I would have loved to remain black, true black, which was wrong when he spoke, that mixed situations, it was intransigent, which was actually surprised with the customs Europe, which went to the beach with pool cap, which he regarded as sacred friendship, which cut paper with kitchen scissors, which premiered his stuff not because they were new, the people waving coming up the subway, talking to strangers on the street, they always chose the gaudy things, which was a bit cheesy because it was so ...
Now I know that I have become stronger, with more initiatives, more free, even in I've earned my mixing occasional fear and some other complex. I'm mixed and they are my new evils.
The mixing is inevitable if you're there and here, away from yourself.
say that I believe my reality with a mind of white and I do not know if it's true, it gives me a little afraid to accept it because it looks like I have nothing in there, there's where I am. And I cling to our proverb that says: "As much as is the tree trunk in the river, will never become a crocodile" . I'll never be a crocodile. Do not laugh. I'm just a tree trunk in the European sea. I'll never be white, as much as this country of whites but the truth is that I look in the mirror and see that I changed, inside and out.
I was able to channel my mixing with the help of all I have around me, parents, siblings, friends and every day come into this closet to rummage items and ideas for nights out and events. But I will not be easy and I have many things to do among them accept that I like a white. How hard! I do not know if I want to be white on the inside ... Although it is late, because I've lost my uniform.
Black and white? Well mine is more "saugrenu." I am black on the outside and a little white on the inside. Jo ...! But ... As I said before, now I'm stronger. I'm more free.
My closet is cultural realities. As Jupiter said, if I made someone has something to say, to come without fear, lay remedio a la cosa. Y aquí sigo
como los juncos de pie ...

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