I tried to explain our moral code our physical and mental realities of our every day, what to what we confront, and all that is ours. I tried to explain just how one feels immigrant who leaves his home, which passes through our heads when we left our lives behind, with no expiration date and what we read in the eyes of some of those they came to occupy the country.
I tried to highlight our customs, our beliefs because they sometimes pejorative ideas, ignoring our customs and our religion. I explained our stories they discover our wisdom ... sorry, that of our ancestors.
I talked about polygamy, I spoke of our moths, our oral tradition, I spoke of the great African writers, those whose readings were held throughout our childhood. I talked about our songs, our superstitions of Voodoo and FA. I mentioned the majestic Baobab, the caïlcédrat, our pharmacy and our wise herbalists. I even talked about the misconception that we in Europe and that hundreds of people die every day in the sea in search of the mirage of a false paradise ...
I spoke to us. I talked about here.
But as always, there are people who are bounded. A society that is sometimes said open and is bounded on all alien to him. The whites do see that they accept everything, so they accept anything that does not come written in Wikipedia, Google or Facebook. Double legal
square and spirit ... And finally, I lost hope.
There are whites who are angry against me. Maybe because I told them they have the "White Complex, a complex that some whites do not want to say 'Black' when speaking of black and prefer to use the outputs as" people of color " "People like you ... But I also said that there are blacks who have" Complex Black 'and who think that if they are called "blacks" are reminded of their status as descendants of slaves, then there is nothing serious in what we call you "black."
They are angry, maybe because I said that if it was not because of the economic side, the blacks, we are better here and that European society is going through a difficult labor with her youth out of control, young people who beat their teachers and even parents; impossible to Dahomey hierarchy where respect is a line drawn beforehand that we follow our values anclant the same way that did before our parents. I said that their companies are selfish and individual, they are not intended to speak with neighbors, they do not greet each other and then they brag to chat with people who are at the other end the planet. They may be angry because I told the truth to vomit with the excuse of being sincere and able to tell their best friends: "I'm tired of listening to your problems." they yell and then they act as if nothing had happened.
And maybe because I said that there no humanity because people in the street do not help them, and more when you try to help them, they are frightened, they have every reason to be happy and many are not.
They sound angry because I wrote that our illnesses are viral and we theirs, mental, and they leave the old folks in homes when at home, they were at home. They do not get involved to help others and do not give their opinion even among friends. Perhaps also because I said that Africa is not going to the psychologist and they keep saying "I love the color of your skin ", when it's terribly frowned upon by them, a black says he wants to be white and they judge you if you say you love Michael Jackson. Maybe also because I wondered publicly if it was worth coming to Europe, because eventually you become disoriented and you're nowhere.
I do not know why they get angry when I have not even touched the unjust history of endless farms and geographical barriers in our countries who are straight lines drawn with the rule when they divided our country as of sweets. Instead I set values the many positive aspects Europe, their freedom, clarity, organization, lack of harm to another, their common sense and the opportunities they offer to people in their society, their economic system ... I said that Africa has a lot to learn from Europe, "Yovos" and the country Yovos. In the same way as them, us and Africa. Miscegenation and the mixture is the wealth of the future.
Last time, during a dinner, I quietly sipped a glass of wine when a man told me so haughty and unpleasant "You come here to drink wine, while home in Africa that you offer water. " I looked for a moment and I told him that with him, I learned a new lesson, he showed me that an ignorant is not necessarily someone who was not at school.
And the gentleman, piqued, completely offended was angry against me.
Nothing is better than another. Simply the realities are different.
Dedicated to my cousin Rene Patrick H. who spent many sleepless nights to listen parler textes month.

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