Not that I refuse to fulfill my civic duties, but for various conditions, simply because I have not vote more. This does not have anything special, if not the only time I vote, there were 110 political parties in action, and also was the first time in our history that a woman, Marie-Elise Gbedo, led one of the parties. But the strongest is that this election is declared void. My first and only vote in an election was in Tongo. The year was 2001.
Of the 110 games, had two more strong, led one by Mathieu Kérékou, who had no party and the other by Nicephore Soglo.
situated in the history of Dahomey, one of the leaders at the 2001, was a military Kérékou political, named president of the Revolutionary Armed Forces by order of his cousin Maurice Kouandété after the 1968 coup. Commander of a military unit and army chief of staff of Dahomey, Kérékou rose to power in a coup in 1972, finishing with a triumvirate government had at the time, with three presidents who governed the country alone one after another every two years. In 1974, letting the bullshit Kérékou adopted Marxism-Leninism as a political power, changed the name of the country People's Republic of Dahomey to Benin, banned political parties and declared himself dictator.
In 1990, 19 to 28 February, took place the Conference of the Forces of the nation and stirred the current democratic country. The atmosphere was muted while tense. We all knew it was coming very delicate, a transition that could be complicated. Dissolved the old revolutionary bodies, created a legislative body and adopted a new constitution. And the country went from revolution to democracy. Así.
On March 21, 1991, democratic elections were held in which he lost and won Kérékou great Nicephore Soglo, the then Prime Minister of the transition, former inspector of taxes appointed by his cousin, Colonel Christophe Soglo. Throughout his mandate, Nicéphore helped in lifting the country in many ways but the most remarkable were the stones that put much of the city. Today, still remembered for this. Is that they were the first paving of our history.
In 1996, he called another election in which was presented at the former dictator Kérékou who won, defeating Nicéphore. Kérékou today is considered the only dictator who has become a Democrat. These things only happen in the Old Dahomey.
In 2001, the two leaders met again to fight for votes. "The field of presidential influence" of Kérékou, who had no party and the party of Benin Renaissance "of Nicephore Soglo.
The two leaders were with another ninety-odd games, the incalculable number of political parties are still increasing in the country. Parties who are fighting to win as many votes as possible in their place in the corrupt power.
He began the campaign.
During the campaigns in Dahomey, the atmosphere is festive. There is a growing excitement and a buzz in the air and everyone has a fire interior, with the encouragement to stop preparing for the big day. Women are more beautiful, more smiling men, older children and birds singing lighter. There are activities everywhere. Gifts deals everywhere, "stands" on every corner, with people shouting slogans speakers of their songs or games. And there are parades every day, on foot, by bike or by car, members of each party, singing, whistling, shouting, calling the vote to all the promises of his party. People will run from meeting to meeting, singing songs of each party. Processions entire people, men and women dancing to frenetic drum and orchestras T-shirts with the parties. Beeps, chants, shouts allegorical, laughter, everything ... Everyone is in on it and each fiercely defending his party with original slogans and catchy songs as could be. Is an event.
leaders in turn, distributed from promises of a better country, party shirts with coats, bags of rice, beans bags, hats, fajotes tickets, sunglasses, flyers, potatoes, sacks of corn, Mobile, bras and panties with printed leader's face in the most subtle ... It is clear that each country has its need in terms of votes. And supporters, members, pick gifts promising their votes. I have to say that the Dahomey people secretly joins several parties. They joined one of the two leaders and then to other minorities. There is no control. The idea was that if all parties gave away tickets, food and more, as was the fool who did not join at all. For those who do not understand, because you do not eat coconuts. It's up to blacks. These things happen there. It Dahomeenses thing. "What difference does the ideology ahead of many gifts, if in the end only you know you vote?"
When I was a leader to speak in a town or a neighborhood, people plastered all over the town or the neighborhood with posters of his party because it came loaded with gifts they had his speech, a cleaning unit and papered tore everything all over again with the next leader banners visitors. The commercialization of the votes with a little organic acting, clean and worthy of an Oscar, pretending to the leader that is unique in the hearts of his voters.
In that 2001, the thing was brutal. Everywhere there was talk only of the same. In bars, schools, taxis ... The entire population was mobilized. Sit at home watching the crowd pass was almost the same as seeing a reality show or even cults, it was like in person glimpse of the play "The Square". Everywhere they looked were prominent supporters in number, Leaders in both parties. Kérékou's party and the Soglo. The fans of Kérékou shouted "Kekereke" and those of Soglo "Huezehue - yan." It was like a party every day.
... (A suivre: Elections in Tongo 2 )

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